The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

I don’t think so, given the first sentence of his post refers to being forced to take devil’s advocate positions on this forum.


OK, so how much jail time to you think Orange Man is going to get for these very serious crimes.

Forced was the wrong word. Compelled is more correct. I hate seeing people blindly taking what’s force fed to them via MSM. We can agree that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. But to buy into all the crap that it’s not something this country has ever done, or that he personally colluded with Russia, or especially that it’s somehow no different than inciting an insurrection, or pressuring a state official to change the vote count, or stealing classified documents, or… just on and on and that nothing will ever become of it is an insane take imo. The circumstances surrounding the most recent events are very different and there’s no logical reason to think the numerous investigations into these crimes will be for naught


This derail is awful, ruining an otherwise great thread.

Just give up, Cactus. Your point is so minor that it’s not worth rehashing the Mueller episode over, and most people here agree that episode was overblown anyways. Replace it with the smoking gun of your choosing. It doesn’t really matter. You have hope that this time wegothim.jpg. Gotcha, I hope you’re right.

Moving on, you’ve gotta love the Fulton DA investigation fucking with Kemp:

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all but one of those had expired, it’s not like if we banned him it’d matter though, not like the russians give a shit about that sort of thing

Your characterization of posters on this forum is way off.


This is what is called a “red flag.”


There are some contrarians who sound so similar that I wonder if they’re being force-fed talking points by alternative media.


I prefer independent media although I’ve dumped
people like Jimmy Dore a long time ago, but nice try y’all

I agree with TheNewT50 that this is a terrible derail. I just don’t think that when every other post is a complaint about how nothing will ever be done, that it’s a good look for the side that’s trying to defeat fascism

He’s trying to intimidate people and it’s got to have some effect; he did after all try to get his VP killed.

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Ah, well. Nevertheless.


There it is. I was hoping this is what it was. Seemed likely tbh when they gave him the light sentence.


Wait, I thought he pled as an uncooperating witness?

Let’s see how ol’ Donny T wiggles his way out of this one!


LOL implicating the Trump Organization

Yeah I’m sure there were lots of great defenses to blatant tax fraud

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Ok Rudy might actually go down.

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Can he remember where he is for a few hours?

Really? Come on.

I thought you of all people understood that nothing is every happening to any of these clowns.

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