The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

That guy legit knows where all their money is. He’s the worst witness imaginable in any prosecution about financial crimes.

Like yes obviously nothing is going to happen because politics or whatever, but assuming anyone ever did want to do something getting a guy like Trump’s money guy to flip is lights out.

Never underestimate the ability of Republicans to make unforced errors and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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I think some of the underlings like Mickey Cohen might go to jail. Rudy maybe? He’s kind of a moron.

We need to steal the FCOJ report and set up the Trumps for the poor house.

What about these guys?


Both sides have that ability. Republicans should feel bad that they don’t have control of the White House and Congress against our current leadership. Trumpers should be disappointed that a more competently-run coup might have worked.

Summer child etc but this gotta be good news right? He can’t really implicate them without trump right?

Yeah. The Republicans are going to be all about payback, I think, even if Trump isn’t indicted. So you might as well take this chance to nail him.




Neal Katyal and Popehat will be along shortly to tell us this is oh so stupid because you really don’t want to piss off the FBI

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The only one doing it right:


Impeachment isn’t a legal proceeding. It’s political and he has political support.

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Why should we care about Trump releasing the surveillance tapes? It’ll rile people up?

He and his attorneys say they were asked by the FBI to turn the cameras off during the search

Fuck that; I wouldn’t turn them off either.


It’ll identify the agents. Not sure if that’s a reason to care, though.

Surprised Kemp doesn’t just suspend the country DA. Low Desantis energy, unless that’s not a thing in GA


commonWealthDad update: The classified documents thing is he said she said, and, “At this point, you have to take Trump at his word, because the DOJ hasn’t said anything.”

On the nuclear stuff: “That’s all been debunked already. It was all declassified.”

On Trump breaking laws as president: “The president can’t break the law, he is the law.” (with a huge shit eating grin)

Followed by: “The statute of limitations on anything he did wrong ended on January 20th, 2020.” (with a shit eating laugh)

On Biden: “He hasn’t done much of anything at all.”

This a week or two after saying he could never vote for Biden because he’s so awful and he’s ruining everything…

On Cable News: “I don’t watch MSNBC or CNN anymore because they’re too liberal, I only watch Fox News because I want like-minded sources, conservatives, but I don’t watch any of the crazy or silly ones.”

It’s like watching his brain turn completely to mush slowly but surely in retirement as he has more time to watch Fox News. He’s just a stupid person now, simple as that. Mix in some covert racism and covert sexism, and you’ve got it. Like, we’ve gotta take Trump at his word, but Hillary cannot be trusted and immigrants at the border are dangerous criminals and terrorists.

And anyone uttering the words, “You have to take Trump at his word,” in 20fucking22 is a fucking moron. Like if you’ve got to take Trump at his word, how much bleach have you ingested to prevent COVID? How many horse dewormers have you taken?