The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

You have my condolences. It tough to lose a loved one to Tucker et al. At least you are able to see it for what it is and not make excuses for him. Not everyone is capable of doing that.

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Thanksā€¦ Yeah too much has become too obvious now. When my girlfriend talks about her struggles with our immigration system, he just goes quiet. Heā€™s very nice to her otherwise but she doesnā€™t even get a cursory ā€œThatā€™s awful,ā€ or ā€œThatā€™s not right,ā€ from her when she talks about how itā€™s been 3 years since sheā€™s seen her family and she canā€™t leave the country or she wonā€™t be able to come back.

Oh and worst part, he doesnā€™t even watch Tucker, he says he doesnā€™t watch him, Ingraham, or Waters. I think he watches Hannity, he never seems to want to commit to a yes or no on that which tells me all I need to know. He is proud of watching either Fox and Friends or the Five, I forget which. The roundtable one that he claims is all sane people.

Sane people who say the entire raid was bullshit and the classified stuff has already been ā€œdebunked.ā€

Not even kidding use parental controls to block Fox News


It sounds like heā€™s trying to troll you.

What I did during the George W. Bush years was openly express desire to see Bush die in office, preferably in a way that makes him suffer, to family members who seemed like they wanted to argue. That is not the response they expected to provoke and they didnā€™t quite know how to reply, so they shut up. They want to make you feel awkward, but they donā€™t like the tables being turned on them.

Heā€™s prepared for standard responses. Take an unexpected line. Instead of cutting him out of your life, make him think heā€™s unleashed your inner sociopath so that heā€™s the one who wants to stay away.

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Not his style at all.

I was watching reruns of Talk Soup on YT and Billy Bush was on there circa August 2008, which got me thinking about how here he is almost 3 years later and he probably hasnā€™t thought about the 'Grab ā€˜em by the p***yā€™ interview in a year or more. He has no idea that in 8 short years itā€™s going to blow up and Trump will not only get off scot free, but become POTUS and heā€™ll only be able to dream about that sweet testicle sniffing gig he had in 2008.

Yeah, weā€™re never getting him.


But trump didnā€™t hand deliver it. So no collusion


Handing over private election materials to a foreign government being collusion is just what the MSM wants you to think


But what about Hunter Biden COLLUDING with CHYNA???


Isnā€™t there some kind of gif for this. John Oliver and a bannerā€¦.

Seth Abramson is a clown anyways, dude writes we got him fan fic

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Alien on Starz currently. This quote is perfect for the times

Crew=Us. Specially the FBI and the judge right now but eventually all of us including Trumpers as needed.


What happened to the Cactus containment thread?


What a sad life this person must lead. Even takes the time to go to another thread to bump it. Ever think about charging rent to live in your head? I wouldnā€™t pay much, but it feels like taking advantage :joy: :joy:

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Word that Weisselberg was expected to reach a plea deal in his case emerged on Monday, his 75th birthday. Two people with knowledge of the matter said that day that his guilty plea was expected, and one of them said Weisselberg was not expected to help with an ongoing inquiry into the former president. Weisselbergā€™s indictment in July 2021 was in part an effort to secure his cooperation against Trump, people with knowledge of the strategy had said last summer.

Good job good effort


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lololol this guy comes out of the woodwork for no reason other than to troll, then posts a selfie (that I assume is supposed to be me?) and THIS is allowed? How does this bad of a poster not get banned?!