A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

We’ve already been having those for years now.

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About three fifty.


Thread reopened so that Cactus may have his freeze peach.



Quality bump, IMO.


If you want to compare “sad lives" and posting quality, I’m happy to oblige.

Our favorite gun-toting libertarian adjacent 20 something has a 1.9K post count with 718 likes received, for a whopping 0.3778947368421053 likes per post.

On the contrary, this shit poster has 3.4K posts created with 7.7K likes, for like per post ratio of 2.264705882352941 PER POST




Shit poster groupthink, ldo.

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Guys, guys, there is a time and a place for this kind of bickering. The time is Friday and the place About Unstuck


likes/post is an outdated metric. we go by vinces/post now

I’ll give ya posting. I never claimed to be a good poster or writer or even all that knowledgeable. I just try to be honest and point out what I feel is right or wrong.

But as to who leads the sadder life, you win that one hands down my dude. I don’t even know who you are lol. Couldn’t tell you a single thing you ever posted. And here you’re dredging up my old posts with such obsessive hatred? Seriously… Maybe join a gym?





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funny how the $ value of the french bulldog pic is many multiples of the chip stack picture

Don’t you bring that bad juju in here. This place has been super tranquil for like 2 months.

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There’s nothing honest about posting contrarian shit just to be a contrarian.

Brag: courtside
Beat: In Oklahoma City
Variance: old lady seems really into the setup of this play


I said from the beginning that nothing was going to come of the Trump colluded with Russia hype. Nothing did. That wasn’t contrarian. There’s nothing contrarian about being pro 2A. Oh, you must mean contrarian as in on a liberal pull each other’s pud forum? Then I guess you’re right

The fact is, this guy crawls out from under a rock to personally attack me out of the blue and then reports me when I call him a shit stain lololol. Goes thru the trouble of posting a bunch of memes and digging up old posts. In the meantime, I don’t even remember who he is and couldn’t tell you a single thing he’s ever posted. Is he a teeny bopper waiting for school to start? Or some old retired guy in a nursing home with nothing better to occupy his time? Whichever it is, seems pretty sad to me
