A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

Not getting a booster shot is massively -EV. Even when just considering personal ev.

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True, but to what extent? This argument has been used since the beginning and now that itā€™s been shown that breathrough cases occur in the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike, I think we need to be careful with this narrative. Itā€™s causing many people (like me right now) to question the importance of this

Omicron is pretty goddamn transmissable. The vaccines are ā€œleakyā€ to be sure which brings us full circle. If weā€™re all going to catch it eventually then whatā€™s the sense in continuing all these counter measures?


Whatā€™s this number dude? Youā€™re repeating a talking point but maybe if you UNTELL what this number really is, maybe dumb people like me will stop questioning it

This part isnā€™t getting lost on me. I understand it and obviously itā€™s in everyoneā€™s interest for their to be health care when they need it. It has nothing to do with whatā€™s causing hospital overload tho.

Iā€™m trying in earnest to have a sincere conversation. Maybe Iā€™m just too dumb to get it, but Iā€™m far from the only one. If you want everyone on board then people have to be made to understand

All the questions you ask have already been answered in this thread. Why donā€˜t you try to read those answers again because I have neither the time, nor the patience, nor the crayons to help you understand.


Ok that WAS dumb lol

The argument is that an ICU overwhelmed with unvaxxed covid patients harms a vaxxed cancer patient who has to delay treatment.

ā€œAll I can do it explain it to you. I canā€™t understand it for youā€ is the one I like best.

I will go back and read everyone again. It seems like I got the same response over and over tho, but maybe I missed it

Dude I understand that. But it has nothing to do with what Iā€™m talking about. Jesus maybe Iā€™m just not eloquent enough to outline what Iā€™m asking.

The unvaxxed covid patients are overwhelmingly older, heavier, and otherwise immunocompromised. They absolutely shouldā€™ve been vaxxed! But what does that have to do with people my age?

ā€œIā€™m definitely going to catch this disease, better make sure I donā€™t take any prophylactic measures against itā€ seems like a dubious take.


Anyway, yā€™all will be happy to know that Iā€™ve used up my allotted posting for the month. Time will tell. I donā€™t think mandates and boosters are tenable forever. At some point weā€™re just going to have to accept covid in our lives. It sucks that hospitals are being overran and I encourage anyone who might be at severe risk to get vaccinated. They are the ones who are putting the rest of us in danger should we need treatment for something else. But I have a hard time accepting that Iā€™m the cause of your kid not getting the medical attention he/she deserves if I donā€™t keep getting boosters every 6 months

The end


I saw an excellent exchange where a guy asked a caller if heā€™d have unprotected sex with someone who had STDs. The caller said no and the guy said then why wouldnā€™t you protect yourself against covid? The caller tried to insist it isnā€™t the same thing to which the guy responded it absolutely is. Theyā€™re both viruses that can be reduced with protection. It was a fair point. Just tried to find a link, but couldnā€™t

You had to get vaccinated against 10+ diseases by law (a mandate) to go to elementary school and there are flu shots available in every pharmacy every year (boosters), accepting the existence of a disease or virus doesnā€™t mean you just completely surrender to it.

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itā€™s been shown that car wreck fatalities occur in seat-belted and unbelted people alike

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everyone responding to this jackhole (including me) should catch a ban


Iā€™m not an anti vaxxer. Far from it. Although Iā€™ve never had a flu shot as an adult because I just didnā€™t care if I got it. And even tho I feel the same way about covid I got vaxxed for the public good. I just think weā€™re going to have a very difficult time forcing everyone to get regular boosters or shut them out of society if they refuse. Iā€™m not even sure how I feel about that from a moral or civil rights standpoint. Do parents really need to vaccinate their kids? Isnā€™t that why some home school?

You were complaining about under 35 vs over 35 which is 35 years vs 85 years of time. You started the uneven age groups.

Seriously though, come on, you are better than this.

This is dumber than anything Iā€™ve ever said ainec


Iā€™m not an anti-vaxxer, I just donā€™t want to have to take vaccines.

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