A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

lol, you’re actually, really, really rilly extremely close. like, so fucking close that it’s indistinguishable. I mean, we can all read this dumb “hurr durr vaxxed guy get covid, CANT EXPLAIN THAT” extreme dipshit routine you’re doing, oh wait, but he SAID he’s actually NOT an antivaxxer? Case closed!

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Hahahahahahahahaha. JAQ

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Obviously a 26 year age span is going to represent a higher percentage than 12. I’d like to see say, 17 to 34 if anyone can find it. What % of 17-34 haven been hospitalized with serious covid symptoms?

But it’s the total number. 40% of people under 50. Who cares how they relate to each other. It’s not about winning the Covid demographic award, it’s about realizing people across the spectrum are contributing to the breakdown of hospitals.

Maybe there are some states that don’t require it but in California this is what kids need to be vaccinated against before Kindergarten

Polio is basically eradicated, yet we still require kids to get 4 shots vaccinating them against it. It’s almost like some diseases really, really suck and we as a society have decided to mandate that people take precautions against them because it’s bad for us as a group.

You get that young people can still spread the disease to people who might be at higher risk, right?

Gaslighting indeed

Only if they don’t want them to get polio.

I do. And so can vaxxed people, which is the whole point of my question. If you’re going to say vaxxed people spread less then I don’t think it’s such an unreasonable question to ask how much less? Yet no one seems willing or able to answer that

If the difference is considerable, conversation over. I understand. If it’s negligible, then we keep going in circles

Living with measles outbreaks in this country is going to be fun.

My daughter’s pediatrician is convinced that the current moment (and the sheer number of people like @cactus in our society) is going to allow polio to make a roaring comeback. Can’t say I think he’s wrong at this point.


We’ve already been having those for years now.

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About three fifty.


Thread reopened so that Cactus may have his freeze peach.



Quality bump, IMO.


If you want to compare “sad lives" and posting quality, I’m happy to oblige.

Our favorite gun-toting libertarian adjacent 20 something has a 1.9K post count with 718 likes received, for a whopping 0.3778947368421053 likes per post.

On the contrary, this shit poster has 3.4K posts created with 7.7K likes, for like per post ratio of 2.264705882352941 PER POST




Shit poster groupthink, ldo.

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Guys, guys, there is a time and a place for this kind of bickering. The time is Friday and the place About Unstuck