A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

You think it’s morally justified to shoot someone who intentionally causes property damage. I think it’s morally justified to shoot someone who is unmasked and gets my unvaccinated 2 year old sick. I guess our viewpoints are pretty similar after all!

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Can we quarantine Cactus to a containment thread? JFC


I care about all those things too. I also care about the homeless and poverty as I’m sure you do. But there’s a point where we draw a line as to what we’re willing to do to help them. I’m asking what that point should be with covid

There it is!

Was that the goal all along?

Efforts such as bar hopping pre vaccine during a pandemic.

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Libertarian Joe Bros and JAQing off: name a more iconic duo.

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Perhaps once we get things under control to the point where COVID is endemic would be a start and we shouldn’t rush back to normalcy so that we can see one another’s faces at the cost of prolonging the pandemic.

But some people derive massive personal EV from the pride they take in their ignorance. Just ask them and they’ll tell you all about it!

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No one really gives a shit about you saying you care about things if you oppose the basic things you can do to alleviate the problems.

Nowhere near as much as the massive personal EV some get from jerking each other off, which is all UP is good for from what I can tell. The only thing that stops you guys from pulling on each other’s puds is a counter narrative. It’s like throwing water on two dogs fucking

No one has satisfactorily answered the question of how person A not being vaccinated puts you or your child at additional risk except to say hospital overload, which is primarily caused by older unvaccinated people. One person was so thrown for a loss they desperately tried bringing up guns lmao

Stop expecting the people you insult to spoon feed you information. Go enjoy your life being able to see other people’s smiles or whatever.

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Hospitals getting overloaded is kind of a big deal.

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lol, I gave you 4 others. Obviously you can just reject them without thinking them through or offering the slightest rebuttal, but at the very least don’t lie about their existence.

Here’s percentage of hospitalizations broken down by age group.

More than half of them are people under 65. Something approaching 40% of them are people under 50. Younger people are a significant contributor to hospital overload.

While hospital overloading is a threat, it’s not much to ask to wear a mask to mitigate spread as much as possible. If case numbers stabilise at a reasonably constant level then I am going to start agreeing that it’s time to do away with restrictions. It may also be that this is a cyclical thing and we periodically need to go back to wearing masks.

East Asia has had this right for years. We should be wearing masks in the winter.

I might be wrong but don’t people just wear masks when they’re sick and need to go out? That’s definitely something I’m going to do from now on.

I think they’re pretty common in the winter during cold and flu season in some countries even when people aren’t sick, in areas with lots of people.

Personal EV is what it’s all about apparently.

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The closest thing to a legitimate response was mosdef posting a link to a graph. Unfortunately, the graph showed from like ages 1-4, 4-17, and then 17-49… So I’m not sure how to interpret that. Of course, there’s going to be a higher percentage of hospitalizations in an age category spanning 26 years than 3 and 12 years. I played around with it and while you could filter for different categories, it wouldn’t let you adjust the age

Again, I’m not disputing that hospital overload isn’t a big deal. But what evidence is there that this is being caused by unvaxxed people? NOT that unvaxxed people aren’t the patients, but that unvaxxed people are the cause that puts OTHERS in ICU wards

Say I’ve never been vaxxed and everyone I interact with is. How many people would you estimate that I’d put into an ICU ward if I didn’t curtail my activities at all?

And of the people I interact that haven’t been vaxxed how would it be MY fault if they wind up in ICU? They should’ve got vaxxed right? Yet it’s my fault? I honestly don’t get it

The only case you can make (as far as I can tell) is that if I don’t get vaxxed and end up in an ICU then I’m taking away a bed from someone else. That would be a legit reason. I just haven’t seen any evidence that 25 year olds with no prior health histories are the ones overrunning hospital resources with covid cases. That’s all I’m saying