A person can be smart, people are dumb: A Cactus containment thread

I just checked our board. We have people who’ve waited 18-28 hours for an ICU bed. One of them is 24 (Diabetic Ketoacidosis). Are you satisfied? Or would you like reports from NYC, Michigan or Houston from my friends?

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Probably fat toddlers, though. Can you prove they weren’t?


Here’s some age-adjusted data. Looking forward to you providing some data of your own.

There is some data on hospitalizations by age. It’s not all old people.


It definitely feels like you want a certain conclusion to be true, and in the face of any evidence will just ask for increasingly specific data until someone can’t supply you with what you demand, and then you will conclude what you hoped to conclude. It’s not a good way to go about learning anything about the real world.

The vast majority of Americans are one of those things.

Wearing masks is not a “sacrifice”, give me a fucking break. It’s literally something to make sure that if someone who is under 35, otherwise healthy, and not overweight gets COVID they don’t go around spreading it everywhere they go.

People that seek data to justify their belief will never be satisfied because they’re not really being intellectually honest. People that honestly seek data to test hypotheses don’t come into a public setting and make pointed assertions, then DEMAND that everyone else go about proving them wrong.

It’s not just icu care. It’s the entire hospital system from the emergency room on.

Undoubtedly “healthy” 35 year olds with Covid are going to the hospital. They are contributing to the destruction of the medical infrastructure by not getting vaccinated.

You think dumb anti vaxxers are not going to the hospital when they get a sore throat or a runny nose?

Those people are waiting because of old (over 35 year olds being the definition, I guess) unvaccinated people though, not young people who just wanna live their lives to the fullest by not being burdened by putting some paper over their mouth and nose.

  1. Because my kids aren’t and cannot be. Same for everyone else with a child under 5. 250 kids under 5 in the US alone have died without ever having had a chance to get vaccinated, and the kids that don’t die, it’s two weeks out of daycare where parents can’t work, even from home.
  2. Because I care about the vaccinated people for whom, for any of a number of reasons, the vaccines aren’t very effective in.
  3. Because every infected person is a breeding ground for new mutants, some of which may escape the current vaccines more fully.
  4. Because I care about people who want to go to the hospital for non-covid emergencies or serious but less time sensitive conditions and are getting turned away.
  5. Because society is going to have a hard time functioning with a rotating 25% of its workforce in quarantine.

@Cactus I get that sometimes it’s hard to see something if you don’t, you know, actually see it or have it affect you. ERs nationwide are swamped. Hospitalizations are hitting all time highs in a ton of areas.

My experience is right now:

  • We’re supposed to go to work as a HCW even if we’re covid+. This rule has been pushed because huge numbers of us are out with covid.
  • ICU holds are massive right now
  • We’re doing emergency redeployment of staff and physicians
  • I’m not allowed in the room for the birth of my child

Last week, before I went into a hard isolation I had a 7 year old with appendicitis wait 6 hours without a bed and another 6 hours before they got transferred. God help people who get in car accidents or have normal things help to them right now.

I’m not trying to agrue. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I’m not disputing who is waiting for ICU beds. I’m disputing who’s causing them to be taken up and why that 24 year old has to wait 28 hours. Is it not because older unvaccinated people are taking up resources? I’m all for getting them vaccinated if we can. But in the meantime, you have an entire generation of people, many who have been vaxxed and are the LEAST likely to take up a precious ICU bed, who can’t live life because these idiots won’t get vaccinated

Unless you’re suggesting that we let all vaccinated people die in the street, this is not relevant.

What did you find when you Googled this question?

Endemic is basically here to stay at a constant level. An epidemic is when new cases are significantly higher than normal in an area and a pandemic is basically an epidemic that crosses borders and affects multiple countries/continents.

I’ve seen some experts hope that COVID becomes endemic by the end of this year, but I’ve also seen other experts hope that COVID becomes endemic by the end of 2024.

Maybe we should be re-thinking this.

It’s not a binary choice between COVID-zero and letting it run wild. COVID gets to the endemic stage via vaccinations. We won’t get sufficient vaccinations without mandates.

What’s more important is that the vaccines are stopping a bunch of hospitalizations and deaths. If everyone was vaccinated, the effect of COVID would be more like the flu.

It’s the unvaccinated who are causing the stress on hospitals. Even if the younger, healthier population is hospitalized at lower rates, they are still contributing to community spread. If we’re going to have separate rules for people, it should be young people being allowed more freedom than older people, it should be vaccinated people being allowed more freedom than the unvaxxed. And if we’re not going to have separate rules, then we should use the rules that are better for those who are in the worse position, the older and the less healthy.

Because libertarianism is dumb. Because altruism is not evil. Because we have moral duties towards others.

And they should be mad at the idiots who won’t get vaccinated, not at the politicians who are trying to come up with rules to mitigate the damage done by idiots who won’t get vaccinated.


What about all the law and other types of students not getting a full educational experience despite paying full price? Does that qualify as a sacrifice in your book? Even if it’s just being denied the social experiences to be able to travel unfettered and/or not being able to show or see people’s face, smiles, and other expressions it should qualify as a type of sacrifice for young adults

oh please.

There’s a lot of cross talk here. All I’m asking is since there isn’t a lot more many of us can do, how long do we bear the onus of making sure everyone else is safe? I guess that’s my question. Even though it’s possible that I and other young people may become a covid statistic, it’s not something I was ever really worried about for myself. I’m questioning what good my continued efforts will have on the rest of society because I’m more than willing to take my chances as it relates to me personally

Oh puhleee-eeeze!

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That’s the one.