The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

lol “pie in the sky,” great Tucker Carlson talking points. Russia interfered with the election, Muller laid out a plain as day case for removing Trump from office and Jack shit came of it because Trump is objectively above the law.

I think you can look forward to having this view questioned if/after he is actually indicted.

I’ll cheerfully eat crow if Trump is ever once held accountable for anything. Till then, commodious.gif


Trump didn’t collude with Russia and he wasn’t Putin’s puppet. Those are just facts. He did obstruct justice, but Mueller (a conservative) took the position that a sitting president can’t be indicted. That was never going anywhere and lol at anyone who thought it would

Edit: Of course they interfered. WE interfere in other country’s elections all the time. We even go so far as to encourage and assist in regime changes :roll_eyes:

And nothing happened because…

(you’re so close to getting it)

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Bolded isn’t quite right. At least according to the report. Mueller just said that they didn’t find enough evidence to establish collusion. That’s not the same as “He didn’t collude”. And there was plenty of evidence of links between Trump people and various Russians. You’re doing the same thing that Fox News and everyone else did with their whole “Total Exoneration” line. No, he wasn’t exonerated. Trump didn’t collude is most certainly not “a fact”. It just wasn’t proven (according to Mueller anyway).

Also, you should answer Trolly’s question. It will help.




That dude with the wooden sword in Gladiator had one of the most prescient political observations of all time. Just be really good at entertaining people and you are above all human laws.


Feels like the Georgia investigation is the most likely way he gets got.

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I’ll bet every Hollywood celeb who laments being rightfully metoo-ed wishes that were enough.


so much for “they want to stop Trump from fleeing the country”

You don’t have to convince me what an unsavory character Trump is, or that he lies and commits crimes with the same ease as most people breathe. I just don’t think he’s sophisticated enough to have colluded with Russia and Mueller not being able to find “enough” evidence to establish that he did, is good enough for me

I also don’t think he was a willing puppet for Putin. Some of his policies on Russia were more hawkish than Obama’s were. He’s also too much of a narcissist to ever accept anything but an alpha male role. The media fell hook, line, and sinker for it tho playing to what generated the most ratings. Trump’s forte is creating such a whirlwind of havoc that it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important and Russian collusion just wasn’t one of those things

Not sure what Trolly’s question is. I disagree with his conclusion that Mueller laid out a plain as day case for removing Trump. If anything, he impeded removing Trump by making clear his view that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Mueller’s name should be forever tarnished in American history imo

If you’re referring to his reply of, “And nothing happened because…” quote, I think I explained it above. Nothing happened because Mueller turned out to be Trump’s dark horse and the media’s overblown coverage was so out of proportion with reality that it was anti climatic in the end

LOL. His level of ‘sophistication’ doesn’t really matter. If it was particularly shitty collusion, it’s still collusion.

Also that’s great that it’s “good enough” for you. That still doesn’t make it a fact. Sorry. That is not how facts work.

Well it can be interpreted in a lot of ways. Here’s one that I’m most interested in. You agree Trump obstructed justice. That’s a crime. You say that he can’t be indicted while he is President. Fine. But he’s not President now. So why not indict him after he is right out of office for this crime that he has committed? And if he wasn’t indicted for this obvious crime, why do you think he is going to be indicted for anything else?

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Maybe wrong since theres diplomatic passports and such, but most US citizens can only have passport book (normal) and card (land entry only with CA and MX). So 3 current would usually mean passport from another country (def not MAGA).

The Trump campaign colluded with Russian oligarchs who are in Putin’s pocket. That’s true regardless of whether you can prove that Trump had knowledge of it or directed it.

Our laws and Putin’s shadow government-esque network of oligarchs make it impossible to prosecute, basically.

I get absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and all, but you’re the one making the claim that Trump colluded with Russia and the Mueller investigation fell short of providing sufficient evidence of that. Meanwhile, MSM ran with it and spent two years sensationalizing it when there were a million other more important dead to right criminal acts they should’ve been focusing on

I’m not saying that. Robert Mueller the guy in charge of the special counsel said it.

Garland clearly doesn’t want to go backwards. Not saying I agree with it, but it’s his call to make. He is obviously trying to protect DoJ image as a bipartisan entity and deems it not worth the political havoc that could ensue

Because it’s reasonable to think the country could’ve moved on with no accountability from the Mueller probe, but that’s simply not the case now. I’m not going to insult your intelligence by asking if you really don’t see the difference. Inciting an insurrection, an attempted coup, trying to install fake electors, threatening a state official to find votes or else, seizing voting machines, stealing the highest level of national security documents, and obstruction everywhere you turn. There is simply no way all of that gets swept under the rug with zero accountability

In my opinion you’re drinking the Kool aid from MSM. Again, we now know with certainty that Garland is (and was) investigating all of these crimes. GA is investigating these crimes. These investigations are not over. We are now full circle to where I started. I think there is a cognitive bias many of you feel from having lived thru the two year Mueller investigation (and many other things during his presidency) of which nothing ever became of it. This is way different

There is no question Trump was and still is compromised to the hilt. Kompromat I think they call it. I have no doubt he’s into Putin’s oligarchs big time. That’s not what I’m arguing here

Russia is sophisticated enough.

How do you explain Trump’s stance on Ukraine?

yeah there’s definitely SOMETHING that hasn’t been uncovered.

remember like just days after the 2016 election mike flynn and (eric?) trump just like showed up at the russian embassy asking to use their ultra-secure communication room to talk to the mothership? and then everyone just … forgot about it.

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ok, it was kush. and they didn’t “show up” at the embassy but they discussed it with kislyak at trump tower.

(dec 1, 2016)

guys maybe we actually will get him? Dersh hasn’t been right about anything in the last 20 years, has he?