The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Will Trump be indicted for any crime before the midterm elections?
  • Yes
  • No

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sure all the stuff he took that wasnā€™t his before thereā€™s laws against but he knows what I know and what some lawbros donā€™t seem to know; it doesnā€™t mean shit if nobody does anything about it

narcissists always think they own everything even when they donā€™t, I know a guy who sold a car and when that guy he sold it to, sold it, went apeshit on him for selling that car without his approval

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Just so I can say I told you so. Otherwise I simply misclicked.

2 Likes almost always works with paywalled news media.

Again this is not relevant unless he is actually charged!

Longtime confidants and advisers of Trump have grown extremely worried about Trumpā€™s current stable of lawyers, noting that most of them have little to no experience in cases of this type, according to two people familiar with the internal discussions.


Yeah, I donā€™t get it. No ace legal team in the world could save Trump if the govt actually decided to get serious about charging him. Theyā€™ve got him dead to rights on I forget how many major crimes, to say nothing of the assorted scams and financial crimes heā€™s been pulling off.

Remember the weekly ā€œlawbro x joined the Mueller investigation, WE GOT HIMā€ nonsense? Those assholes are the exact people saying WE GOT HIM now. Fuck off and wake me up when literally anything actually happens. Taking paper back doesnā€™t qualify.


Pretty sure the main reason for Trump having a shitty lawyers team is because any sane lawyer wants money up front and a large amount of it and Trump is cheap and the RNC is no longer footing the bill.

I think people ITT are being incredibly defeatist. There is no reason to think nobody will do anything about it. Iā€™m sure the reason for all the pessimism has to do with the two years of nonstop pie in the sky media coverage of Russian collusion hyperbole combined with the Muellerā€™s stance that a sitting president canā€™t be indicted along with Garland not wanting to go back and charge him with his real crimes of obstruction and emolument clause violations

Itā€™s very different now. Heā€™s obviously being investigated on multiple fronts, in multiple venues, and for much more serious crimes. Thereā€™s also no reason to think Garland wonā€™t pull the trigger when the time is right. Heā€™s known for being meticulous and tight lipped. Fani Willis is a bulldog. The Trump Org likely wonā€™t survive the results in the civil NY investigation

I doubt heā€™ll ever see the inside of a prison (even though that would be just and ideal and still is a very real possibility). He might not even ever serve under home confinement (something I think is most likely). Accountability might not be what any of us consider ideal, but there will certainly be some. If nothing else, heā€™ll never be able to hold public office again will this is all said and done. If anyone wants some action on that feel free to DM me


The ā€œbefore the midterm electionsā€ qualifier excluded me (and others?) from voting

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I think you can look forward to having this view questioned if/after he is actually indicted.

I donā€™t think heā€™ll hold public office again, but heā€™s not going to be literally banned from it.

Wait trump replace literally every federal employee with a used hot tub salesman but somehow forgot to put his stooges in at the national archives?

Given Trumpā€™s ability to grift off of rubes, he has the money. If I understand things correctly there are all sorts of ways to get money from a PAC or his campaign over to his attorneys as payment for legal services. Heā€™s already done it and no one has said or done shit about it.

So he can definitely come up with the money and pay a fuckton in advance if they required it.

Of course, they could always burn through the advance and get left holding the bag, because Trump will absolutely stiff them, even if he could pay. So, Iā€™m not saying money isnā€™t an issue. But I donā€™t think itā€™s the primary issue for a lot of these attorneys. A lot of them just donā€™t want to do it for a number of non-payment related reasons.