The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Stormy Daniels 69:1. Amazing.


laundering money in fake luxury high-rise towers in developing countries is a solid business

Clearly I need to watch more of these.

I gotta say, the crazies on the right do write some awesome fan fic:

Do not forget the Durham investigation. Just as a point of fact he himself did not argue the assessment case. He let people working underneath them do that. Itā€™s called good practice on the pressure for those newbies. And they got a lot of information out of that trial. They knew it was not going to be one. They werenā€™t looking for a win they were looking for information to be on the books. And they got it. So moving forward to have more ammo when the Dachenko trial comes up in October.

Trump is playing cat and mouse with a deep state. The Deep state knows he has information that will damage them severely. Right now Iā€™ll be the first to say that Donald J Trump is in some hot water. Itā€™s exactly where he wants to be. You donā€™t just take somebody out into the Town Square and hang them. Leveling espionage at him is pretty darn serious which means itā€™s going to go through the courts big time. And what it does is lawyers know exactly whatā€™s release information against the Deep state. Itā€™s going to be televised for everybody to see and everybodyā€™s going to be watching. And now even the generals will step up. They probably saying what the heck are the general is doing stepping up like Miley and as such. Best be polishing up on the generals that are higher than the generals. Thereā€™s a layer of I believe 12 generals Who oversee a section of the world. Everybody in the military answers to them. And they were all put into place but Donald J trump. And now when he goes to trial heā€™s going to be dumping everything. Thatā€™s the way you get the world who is watching to see and hear the truth. You can call me crazy for me after tomorrow but Iā€™m going to watch this play out and in the end itā€™s going to be for the betterment of the people. So you best be rooting for the white hats and the good guys or are you going to end up in a United States that is more communist than communist China. Iā€™m signing off on this now.




ā€œAll is necessarily for the best!ā€

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White hats being the klan?

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A good or moral person

Oh Iā€™d genuinely never heard that expression.

Not that it matters much, but that is a letter to FBI director Wray, not Garland.

I have a little more faith. There is also the GA investigation, and it sure seems like Fani Willis isnā€™t fucking around and doesnā€™t have the same reservations that Garland might have. In fact, I half think Garland is waiting on her investigation and J6 to finish before making any big move and possibly just doing everything together

I also think once you get people in a courtroom and away from TV and other media, itā€™s a very different ballgame. Thereā€™s little doubt the J6 hearings have had an impact on anyone whoā€™s taken the time to watch them. That includes Republicans. There will always be 2-3 out of 10 people who would find a way to justify continued support of Trump if he punched a baby to death on live TV. But you definitely should be able to find non indoctrinated cult supporters who, in a court room setting, could see their way to applying the rule of law. Just my opinionā€¦


So, his defense will be that heā€™s just hopelessly stupid?

If I were his unscrupulous lawyer, Iā€™d tell him that his defense should be that the Presidential Records Act is an unconstitutional infringement on executive privilege and bet on SCOTUS protecting him. I would also tell him to push that he can declassify at will because the president has all of the power of the executive branch under the unitary executive theory.

I dare anyone here to tell me they are absolutely certain that defense wonā€™t work.


It will work, but itā€™s FPS. He pretty much doesnā€™t have to do anything. Just hire some replacement level attorneys and have them go through the motions. No consequences.

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As usual everyone is getting way ahead of things.

He hasnā€™t even been indicted. Dude doesnā€™t need a defense if heā€™s never charged!