The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

they could impeach trump again for this

but oh man that can of worms R’s would have non stop impeachments if they ever got it back (senate, not the house who will anyway)

I was listening to Rush’s replacement duo , buck and travis today .
Surprisingly they said they thought Trump would be indicted and convicted by a DC jury.
But no worries SC would save him on appeal.

Can individual jury verdicts be appealed to SCOTUS? Seems like they would have to challenge whatever law the person in question was convicted of.

Obviously, in this case, the answer is “fuck you” but I mean in theory if this question came up 10 years ago with a Joe Schmoe nobody.

They claimed since it involved an Ex-pres it would wind up there. I have no idea.

news media desperately wants that affidavit

sure this might help trump get away with it by jeopardizing witness cooperation but think of the ratings!

Do you believe this Supreme Court would not rule that the Presidential Records Act violates executive privilege?

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The other hopeless thing is if we do hit the 1000:1 shot and convict Trump it is going to the SC and getting overturned a huge % of the time.

This I disagree with. Polite society is done with Trump.
Already returned or is DoJ confused?

Which 5 of 6 non-Trump appointed Trump judges are going to uphold the verdict? You just need Thomas+Alito+3 Trump judges. None of them are members of polite society. These 5 would also know they would literally be risking the lives of themselves and their families to vote to uphold a Trump conviction assuming they think Yall Queda is remotely serious.

I’m personally done thinking there is some line in the sand the 5 controlling members of the SC won’t cross at this point.

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Not sure why you guys think they would even hear the case, just like they declined to hear Rudy’s bullshit after the election. They only do partisan things if it helps them win/hold power or punish out groups.

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I guess that’s possible.

They might vote to help Trump to avoid being killed.

And it might be a way to further the unitary executive theory.

Yeah I’m kind of thinking Repub legislators are gonna be done with Trump sooner than nutjob judges he appointed. Opinion based on nothing but gut feel.

well they were done with trump years ago, but they have to pretend cause that’s what their rubes want

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A judge can only direct a not guilty verdict, unfortunately (well unfortunately in this case anyway, it’s a good law otherwise).