The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Do ex-presidents get to keep their super passport, or does it lose it’s power once they are out of office?

Good question. My quick google turned up mostly results from Quora, and even those were contradictory, so :woman_shrugging:

It’s probably at the discretion of the next president. Seeing as in the past, ex presidents have been used as representatives in the past.

Does this seem like a guy who gets it?


If hes thinking about which is the best shot of taking out trump, then maybe

If, as is more likely, hes mulling norms and propriety and appearances, then no, probably not.

That’s interesting, I had always thought you could answer questions that didn’t incriminate you, then plead the Fifth on all the ones that do.

Huh. Maybe he lied.

Most likely he just fucking lost them, as idiots do.


Trump isn’t getting got. You need a combo of Garland having some balls and finding a jury without a MAGA shitstain on it. That parlay has to be hundreds or thousands to one.


This is truly pathetic. It’s “nonetheless” here instead of the classic “nevertheless.”

This made me laugh from the NYT article:

The Trump Organization, where Mr. Weisselberg spent his career climbing the ranks from junior accountant to chief financial officer, was also charged in the indictment, which outlined a scheme coordinated by senior executives at the Trump Organization to underreport their income by accepting benefits that were not listed on tax documents.

Everything I’ve heard about the Trump Organization is that it’s basically the family and a handful of other felons working out of Trump Tower to license his name to hotels at $5M a pop. LOL at there being anything close to resembling a corporate ladder to climb, some kind of behemoth business to craftily navigate your way to the top.


Back off, I can’t find mine atm. Maybe the FBI snatched it?


Trump never had a solid business until he landed on renting conservative mail lists and begging rubes for donations. (Well, that and his gameshow, which was created and produced by others.) It’s probably landed Trump a few hundred million, and a similar amount to guys who barely squeaked by at the local Christian business school.

A reassessment of Trump’s actions while president and after the 2020 election should focus on what he believed would improve direct money solicitations the most. That was his North Star.

That’s how they do it on TV a lot of the time.

Yeah, I’ve made this point many times.

However, as a viewer of numerous legal dramas, I believe there is a thing where a judge can set aside a jury’s verdict and replace it with his own. So, I’m saying there is a chance (not really).

A jury of never voted could convict him imo

A DC jury would absolutely convict him. No idea if this is possible.

That isn’t how juries are selected though. Each side’s attorneys will be able to strike a few for whatever reason they want and after that you can strike jurors for cause. Having voted for/against him isn’t going to be a for cause reason.

Maybe in DC it would be possible to find a jury capable of convicting him but I can’t think of too many other places. (LOL ponied by Riverman by seconds)

there’s a guy with a trump 2024 flag near me still has it up, if that comes down then and only then will it be impossible

right now if he ran he’d easily win the republican nomination