The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

Let’s play fantasy world, he’s not going to need a passport to live in exile right? Like he just gets on some Saudi plane and that’s that?

even if there were legit charges I can’t see him leaving the country but who knows, he is a coward

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I think that if/when he realizes there is a real possibilty that he is going to spend a few years in a cage , he is outta here.


I dunno having a passport makes it so much easier to leave the USA fast to another country before making a deal with whatever country he’s going to live in exile in.

I had one of these back in the day. Saved my ass countless times.

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That’s what drones are for.

right this is why I was asking if these were possibly diplomatic passports, but even then they would still be noted on the inventory of things they took, wouldn’t they?

Not an attorney but this seems pretty illegal

I’m hoping that Garland’s seeming neglect of the insurrection and election-rigging cases is a direct result of him knowing that this is the case with the goods that will win at trial.

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It would be great. Too bad it’ll never happen. But one can dream

“Is It We Got Him” instead of cake. Michael Cohen as host/knifeman, whose cuts into cake busts of AG Merrick Garland will reveal an indictment or a live snake that slithers out and sometimes just hangs around, eating the rest of the cake. Cohen also warms-up the crowd as Ted Dinero, a Hawaiian shirt Eddie Money impersonator he’s been workshopping on cruise ships. Renewed indefinitely.


Trump-allied lawyers pursued voting machine data in multiple states, records reveal

A team of computer experts directed by lawyers allied with President Donald Trump copied sensitive data from election systems in Georgia as part of a secretive, multistate effort to access voting equipment that was broader, more organized and more successful than previously reported, according to emails and other records obtained by The Washington Post.

As they worked to overturn Trump’s 2020 election defeat, the lawyers asked a forensic data firm to access county election systems in at least three battleground states, according to the documents and interviews. The firm charged an upfront retainer fee for each job, which in one case was $26,000.

Attorney Sidney Powell sent the team to Michigan to copy a rural county’s election data and later helped arrange for them to do the same in the Detroit area, according to the records. A Trump campaign attorney engaged the team to travel to Nevada. And the day after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol the team was in southern Georgia, copying data from a Dominion voting system in rural Coffee County.

Would the Saudis even take him? What would he have to offer to make up for trashing their relationship with the US? I can’t imagine he’d have many options other than Russia.

Is this the new MAGA talking point yet? It’s obvious evidence that Obama is back at DoJ directing secret operations.

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I’d say there’s always North Korea but KJU looked unimpressed by Trump’s saluting

I’m sorry I’m not falling for this shit yet.

His conduct while in office was far worse than taking some fucking paper to his house and they didn’t do shit about any of it. The Mueller report said “he committed obstruction of justice and you can charge him when he leaves office” and they did Jack Shit.

I expect some more pathetic underlings to take plea deals and spend a few months on house arrest or something. We’ve seen this movie before.

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Agreed. But from the same perspective, having him walk back into the White House as president seems just as impossible.

It’s not just about the paper, I think it’s about what he was planning to do (or already did) with it. I think the DOJ knows this or they wouldn’t have gone ahead with the search warrant. The fact that they’re contesting release of the affidavit hopefully indicates that Garland is a not quite ready to show his hand. I think we’ll eventually find out that the mole at Mar-a-Lago is a huge factor and it wouldn’t surprise me if the DOJ is getting more help from sources within foreign governments. Lock him up.

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