The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

They took his Donald Trump passport and his John Miller passport?


John Barron


Or which one is John Barron’s.

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If this were a regular run of the mill criminal case taking ID documents stored where incriminating evidence was also stored would be standard since it tends to show what person had access ot that location. No idea if that’s what happened here, but that should have been on the return if it did.


Not sure which is less relatable to the average person:

“The FBI seized my 3 passports!”
“My cruditĂ©s are too expensive!”


How would Trump be eligible for a second passport? What other country is he a citizen of hmmmmm?

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Diplomatic passport?

TIL there is a special Presidential Passport

"What is it? To possess the loftiest form of passport, you’ll need to work your way up to president or prime minister. These are a unique variant of diplomatic passport; the US president even has their profession emblazoned across it.

What are the benefits? Again, it’s tricky to be precise.

When we asked the UK Home Office what Boris Johnson’s passport perks might entail, it told us: “We don’t comment on individual cases.”

However, the VIP bearer probably doesn’t have to carry their passport with them; neither do they need to queue at customs – other officials will take care of that. Another added advantage: presidents and prime ministers don’t pay for their own passports."

Fun story: “In 2015, an unmitigated snafu saw an Australian immigration official accidentally email the personal details – including passport numbers – of Obama, Merkel, Putin et al to the organizers of the Asian Cup football tournament.”

Life goal: There is apparently a special passport just for certain Interpol employees. Have never wanted to be a cop, but might make an exception if it meant being able to flash an Interpol passport in immigration lines.


Interpol has to be able to catch Carmen Sandiego without wasting time in immigration lines.


Poor Donald can’t even tweet “I have never been to Mar-A-Lago in my life” with a photo of the outside of his three passports :frowning_face:


So he’s accusing the FBI of improper depassportation?


Can’t anybody get a second passport? Looks like you have to attest to a reason for needing one (lots of visa, worried about country entry due to a certain stamp in your passport, etc), but doesn’t look like some super-double-secret-agent type stuff.


I seriously doubt the FBI actually took any passports

They took 6 of my passports! Or-- they say I had 6 passports, with different names, uh probably
 it was all planted! Totally illegal. Greatest witch hunt in history

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Was thinking ealier that the least likely thing in the world was the FBI swiping a series of Trump’s passports, but now I am thinking that maybe there is some special Presidential passport he wasn’t allowed to keep. Or maybe he stole Kennedy’s passport or something like that.

Still, I put my money on it being in his other jacket.

Man having a super passport plus no budget would be so incredible to travel with, this paint sniffing nincompoop instead spends all his time at a decaying “club” with the car wash kings of south Florida and a bunch of foreign spies.




Lawtwitter thinks that the passports were part of another sealed warrant based on the likelihood Trump would try to leave the country after his espionage crimes were confirmed based on the other search.


Thought that would have been the expired one given that he’s no longer a diplomat.