The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!



So good


Number of times Lindsey takes 5th.

  • Zero
  • More than zero, but <10
  • Double figures
  • New record, beats Trump’s 400
  • Never testifying

0 voters

He’s got more self-control and intelligence, so his lawyers may not tell him to just take the fifth on every question, which means he may try to do a lot of pivoting and time wasting to avoid it. It should also be a much narrower scope and thus shorter deposition.

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That’s generally not how people take the fifth. You almost always just answer your name and maybe a few background questions but never anything substantive. Risk is if you answer questions judge will find you waived the 5th (you can’t talk just about part of stuff and take 5th on other parts).

There is no extra penalty for taking the 5th on every substantive question.


This guys dunk also left out the part that, in this case, plans would be to start organizing millions of armed supporters for a violent insurrection.

Which creates these absurd hours long “interviews” where the questioner asks like “is your daughter named Margaret” or “are you a human being” and the dude just does the Dave Chappelle FIF gif on repeat

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Judge: I rule you have waived your 5th amendment rights.

Lindsey: Your Honor, I have not waived my 5th amendment rights!

Judge: Did you not answer these substantive questions?

Lindsey: I assert my 5th amendment rights!

In a post on Sunday, the former president wrote: “By copy of this Truth, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!”


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Hard to know what’s true or not, but Twitter is saying passports were taken during the search? If true, does this mean TFG can’t leave the country?!

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Why on earth would he note that one was expired?

I guess we need to hold onto those passports until we can figure out what’s going on.


these weren’t on the inventory sheet that was released, were they? Is it possible these are diplomatic passports?

I’ll be charitable and assume that they were US passports, though that hasn’t been explicitly stated

Lol @ the FBI taking his passports. I bet they also took his wedding ring, his copy of Action Comics #1, and 20 million in cash?

If I may ask Donald, “why were you looking for your passport”?

