The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Why the hell would anyone cooperate when you can tell them to fuck off and litigate it until the GOP takes the house? LOL DEMOCRATS

Well, he said he would. It’s on the schedule and everything.

Pape’s team mapped the insurgents by home county and ran statistical analyses looking for patterns that might help explain their behavior. The findings were counterintuitive. Counties won by Trump in the 2020 election were less likely than counties won by Biden to send an insurrectionist to the Capitol. The higher Trump’s share of votes in a county, in fact, the lower the probability that insurgents lived there. Why would that be? Likewise, the more rural the county, the fewer the insurgents. The researchers tried a hypothesis: Insurgents might be more likely to come from counties where white household income was dropping. Not so. Household income made no difference at all.

Only one meaningful correlation emerged. Other things being equal, insurgents were much more likely to come from a county where the white share of the population was in decline. For every one-point drop in a county’s percentage of non-Hispanic whites from 2015 to 2019, the likelihood of an insurgent hailing from that county increased by 25 percent. This was a strong link, and it held up in every state.


Pole says 54% of us here Utahns say fuck off. MoE 3.8%.

Mildly surprising:

Voters who want to see a ‘Trump comeback’ in 2024 tend to be younger, particularly among Utah Republicans. Among all Utah voters, only 23% of 55+ year-olds think that Trump should run again, compared to 41% of 18–54-year-olds. Looking specifically at Utah GOP voters, 38% of 55+ year-old Republicans think Trump should run again, compared to 62% of 18-54-year-olds in the party. There is also a split in opinion among Utah Republicans by religious affiliation. According to the survey, 46% of Republicans who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) think Trump should run in 2024 while two thirds (67%) of non-LDS Republicans want to see him run again.

Unsurprising: He’d win the R primary. Mitt distant 2nd.




They stopped giving him intelligence briefings entirely for the last 90 days of his term and he didn’t even notice. This shit would be funny if he wasn’t like -200 to win again (and the majority of the no is a health event)

heh, then i hope they won’t restart briefings on inauguration day either

What’s the least amount I can touch him and still technically be in contact? The elbow sleeve. Yeah that works.

remember when woodward was calling trump and trump tried to tell him about some sort of invisible superplane the US had invented? It’s like 95% certainty that the generals and eggheads were literally just making shit up to tell trump because they knew he couldn’t keep his fucking mouth shut

OK cool, I guess we can skip ahead to the part where the DoJ refuses to press any charges and we can move on.

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It is far more likely AG Lin Wood prosecutes Garland than it is Garland prosecutes anyone.

The one genuinely hilarious thing about the march to fascism is going to be all the people refusing to do anything to stop it being loaded onto the trains first.


Great work! Hope they figure out who was at the bottom of this sometime next year!


Merely having this plan isn’t prosecutable. I’m not even sure if this plan is unconstitutional because the Constitution is a rotten document that assumes good faith on the part of all actors. It’s angle-shooting, like minting a trillion dollar coin to get around the debt ceiling.

There’s a gulf between a level of pressure that is inappropriate but legal in trying to get someone to agree to support this plan and a level of pressure that is illegal, delving into the realms of threats or bribery.

The question is whether January 6 was a predictable outcome due to a confluence of dumbassery or if the insurrection was the result of a conspiracy to try to pressure Pence and Congress into shifting the election.

Got em

I didn’t read it but appears to be a letter, which i assume in true got em fashion is sternly worded?


We got him, as long as he doesn’t file a petition!

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That is going to be 14 days for the petition. An immediate stay on handing over the records from the SC. Then 3 months to prepare for the SC hearing, 2 months for a rebuttal, 5 more months for a decision and then send it back to the lower court on a technically who then says it no longer has to rule because the committee was disbanded after a decisive Republican mid terms victory.


So you’re telling me he has 14 days to stop the spread?