The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

They would if Trump is an enormous dumbass who openly talks about them or leaves them out in the open for anyone to see.


Pay me. Pay me my jackpot.

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Weissmann is impossibly credulous. I wonder how many quitclaim deeds this dude owns on the Brooklyn Bridge.

They got 15 boxes back a few months ago and issued an earlier subpoena. There have been ongoing talks with his lawyers, but apparently the DOJ knew they were lying (or just repeating Trump’s lies).

Which is especially ridiculous since he was riding shotgun on the Mueller investigation

Absolutely. This is a near lock.


He’s not such a dumbass he can’t figure out who ratted him out. If it was USSS, I don’t know if he’ll go so far as to reject protection but I bet he gets a new team and makes them sign super-duper NDAs.

If the FBI raided my house, the boxes they would retrieve would be filled with manuals for Dazzle memory card readers from 2005 and my kids’ schoolwork that I somehow think they will want to have one day.


That’s Ghislaine. You know that,right?


Not to mention they photoshopped his head onto Epsteins body

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my attempt at tea leaving:

trmp wanted trophies and told the movers to take some boxes, possibly NK stuff, or just any boxes at all. because he is an idiot. and more or less coherent people around trmp figured out what an opportunity it would be. they just pointed the movers to more boxes than trmp anticipated. eg jared knew the pages would become valuable in the future. he could figure out access to them eventually.

of course noone would admit to any of this, and the trmp lawyers are dogshit to double check anything post-1/6. this has all the telltale signs of grabbing the stapler from the copy room right as half of your dept was just laid off.

This is where I am. He’s incapable of anything remotely complex.


You do realize that him just “emailing his fans to ask for money” is like the greatest grift of all time right? He’s made insane amounts of money doing it.

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He probably didn’t even come up with that, either.

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He is capable of mistaking the printer test page from installing new ink as the nuclear codes and trying to sell that .

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Except it wouldn’t be a high level scam, you just have the documents and just call up some leader and go hey wanna buy them?

the dumbest thing would just be taking them cause he thought he could or as a trophy kinda thing, so we’ll see if trump’s razor happens again

but throwing in nuc word does sound like the fbi is throwing the old shit trying to justify something… lol if they did that and it fizzled out.

Isn’t this why he would need documents? Agree he’s not going to be able to provide anyone with meaningful information about America’s nuclear program off the top of his head.

probably brad parsquale, and trmp just thought he was a genius by cutting out the middle man

Fair point.


Doesn’t take much for Putin to tell him “take x,y and z”.

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