The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

This would be the most insane timeline.

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No puppet! No puppet! …what does speaker of the house do?

This is entirely the wrong reaction, but I kind of want to see this?


Right. Ideally if Republicans take the house we would want them to have incompetent leadership slowing them down with nonsense

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Credible assassination threats would go through the roof IMO


Act as President if the actual President and VP are murdered. Hypothetically of course.

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I do not want to see this.

Not “act as”. Legitimately become.

And he would be eligible again in 2024 for a full 4 more years (provided the murder happened on or after January 20, 2022).

Anyway I’m not worried about it. There are norms to prevent that sort of thing.


This is priced at $0.05 on Predictit.

These dumbass Chamber of Commerce types that are going all out opposing Biden to stop paid leave and shit are so myopic and incompetent. A House controlled by Trump, either formally or informally, as a stepping stone to taking complete power back in 2024 is a nightmare for the country and for business interests. If they had any sense at all, they’d be completely and singularly focused on stopping that.

counterpoint: at least there will be no paid leave under full blown fascism.

But they have always gotten what they want in the end, so they can’t fathom the reality you are suggesting. Most executives at large companies have spent their entire working lives under some version of Reaganism. Its literally been a one way street their entire lives where policy is increasingly friendly to large corporations. Asking them to fear an American Federal government is like asking them to fear that tomorrow gravity is going to start pulling up. Its outside their understanding of how the universe works.

I’m waiting for a situation where Trump pulls a Putin-style move after his second term by “stepping back” into another role while controlling the president in title like a puppet. Maybe he gets sworn in as VP for the next Republican candidate and steps in after the RC resigns.

His ego can’t handle being number 2, even if it’s a ruse to maintain power. He’ll push for a third term on the basis that his first one was stolen from him like he’s said and then hopefully his 82 year old heart will explode on the campaign trail.

I can’t even imagine him calling himself the 47th President if he wins in 2024, he’ll just try to continue being the 45th.

Well everyone knows he didn’t lose in 2020, it was stolen, etc. So yeah.

on one hand, being speaker provides elite trolling opportunities.
-sitting behind president during state of union
-grinding congress to a halt with a nonstop queue of articles of impeachment
-shutting down the govt by not moving spending bills

but speaker seems like far too much work for 45. much harder to fake than president.

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This isn’t about actually installing Trump as speaker of the house. It’s about juicing republican turnout in the midterms.

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While the Rs in Youngkin type races say it’s obviously not serious to win their races. Then Rs win and we are completely at the mercy of these dipshits as to whether they really mean it literally or not…. and either way should take the idea that Trump will be the spiritual Speaker of the House very seriously.

Will be government shutdowns galore and may even finally default on our debt… why? Let’s go Brandon, that’s why! Good news is the House will finally get that jail we have all been waiting for.

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The cooperation phase didn’t last long.

Trump Ex-Chief of Staff Meadows No Longer Cooperating With Capitol Riot Panel.