The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

We’re going with The End round 2?

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So when this is all over we can say at least Trump didn’t get his military parade, but he gave Joe Biden one?



Cliffs on final 500 posts from the last thread which I haven’t had time to read?

My mother’s outside? God dam it.

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Lock her up!


Hopefully someone can link Rep Boebert to this thread when he’s ready.

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Boebert needs to have her shitass locked up


RE that video of Lauren Boebert’s mom.

“**I’ve been in the other room.**Listen to me.”


First video, I wasn’t expecting her to go with Mexican. FU, lady.

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From the other thread, Waze uses the same sign for road closures.

Less than a week.

I’ve never seen a view anything like that in Waze. I don’t use it for a map. I put it on and have it tell me where to go. Presumably if something is a do not enter it wouldn’t take me that way.



That and the smithsonians are at the top of my list when I make it to DC

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It is one of the Smithsonian’s.

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Nice! I did not know that

I’ve been to the one in Memphis and it is incredible, so I’m really looking forward to seeing the DC one

I think it’s the newest one, but I could be wrong about that. I know the American Indian one is kind of new, but that has to be over 10 years old now. And there are a bunch of other ones too.

Edit: I’m wrong the African American museum opened one year before the American Indian museum. 2003 and 2004.

Whats with all her hand gestures. She is flinging them all over the place in all the videos ive seen of hers.

So the question is how many tried to get past security and did it work?

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