The DNC 2020

I have completely given up on arguments with those guys when predicated on less or more or any idea gradations exist in the world. They simply don’t think they do. Their worldview is based on the idea everything is sorted into only two buckets, good and bad. There is no useful debate to be had within that framework.

For the record this is not aimed at cat. He is not one of the people I am referring to.

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I mean, yes. Agreed. I’m probably even at a place where I’m going to vote Biden in my lock-blue state even though it hurts to do it. I’m just sick of people acting as though the anti-Biden crowd or anti-voting crowd are just too simple minded to understand what the president does or to wrap our minds around the concept of incremental change or a binary choice.

Edit: and right on cue Clovis comes in and does exactly that while I wrote this post.


There are plenty of really solid anti-Biden posters who make good points all the time. You, Chad, Micro, ggoreo, champ, river, to name just a few. There are also a few really terrible ones.

The is the single most cancerous idea that exists in government. The idea the money supply is restricted and debt is bad. It’s just folk wisdom replacing policy.

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No, it’s purposeful policy masquerading as idiocy.


It has a lot of traction with voters though. Its easy to push peoples buttons when they are told all the time to be more responsible and save money and then the government borrows lots of money. Its so easy to jump on that, and liberals need to do better at articulating the value proposition of government borrowing. Unfortunately the eDems instincts are to apologize and move to the middle.


That’s true for sure! It is often fiscal restraint used to mask real policy goals.

I do think some of it though stems from the fact that we ask average people, who become Congress critters, to magically understand macroeconomics. They don’t so they default to folk analogies about personal finances (which they also tend to poorly understand).

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I agree this is an example where the eDems and centrist are absolutely horrible.

Congress critters are much worse than average people, they’re mostly attorneys.


Inflation is under 1%. I think the government should be doing more QE and helicopter money rather than borrowing more. And in March the Fed did do $700B in QE.

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I agree 100%. Neither new money nor borrowed money are the boogeymen the eDems and right like to pretend they are.

People who have a lot of money are afraid of it being devalued.

Ya that is probably a part of it for sure.

The one big problem with QE is there are not enough mechanisms for the money to make it to average people. It tends to collect at the top, like everything else.

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The other side of that coin is that people with a lot of debt would benefit alot from making money less valuable. So alot of the propaganda comes straight from the capitalist ruling class that exert control over people by getting them in debt and keeping them their.


Not to derail but this is an rarely discussed huge benefit of reparations. It’s basically QE that starts at the bottom.

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Yep. I don’t have time to do enough fact checking on this or look for earlier history on it (I’m sure the history of money and debtors vs creditors is quite long), but…

Reparations would be way more popular if they were offered as everyone gets X but blacks get X+Y.


Unlike previous nights, Democrats haven’t released a preview list of highlights for the coming night. It makes me wonder if they have something special planned that they are trying not to spoil.