The DNC 2020

Oops, my bad. Thanks for this.

I deleted my comment saying you put words in my mouth.

Iā€™m still mad, but will delete that post. Up to you if the quoted part stays.

OK, for people waking up later and curious, I accused microbet of putting words in my mouth and then he quoted me using those exact words and I looked pretty dumb.


laughing at the docile revisionism upthread about how no one wanted Biden yet heā€™s the nominee so stop crying about it

Every non Bernie candidate took a money bag to endorse Dementia Joe and yā€™all wouldnā€™t even hold them accountable. You cucks wonā€™t even call the rigged primary rigged

The reason people on this board like Clovis is because he posts in every thread giving cover to your shitlib views

The former Warren and Pete supporters on this board are clueless stains that enabled the donor class through their stupidity


This misses the point that most dem policies poll very high so increased voter turnout will translate to increased Dem votes and therefore a chance of enacting those policies.

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And this misses the point that a democratic process where the person with the most votes doesnā€™t actually win is the real problem. Get Out the Vote as a way to overcome a systemic failure is exactly what these monsters want bc itā€™s clearly pretty easy to suppress votes in this climate and it keeps everyone from addressing the actual issue of the broken process.


Both are true. Iā€™m no fan of the electoral college.

Biden recommitted to ending the fossil fuel subsidies after this stupidity by the party, and after a shitstorm from the likes of Bill McKibben.

This is not the time to sulk in a corner because we donā€™t get everything we want. Nor was 2016, but too many of us did, and helped elect Trump. Inaction is not an option for a thinking person. Inaction is action in support of Trump.

Itā€™s not just about whether or not you vote. If you donā€™t, fuck you, but itā€™s also about making the calls, registering voters, and donating money. I was not enthused about Hillary, didnā€™t donate, didnā€™t volunteer, and look what happened. Of course she took my blue state, and of course I voted, but what the hell did I do to get one more Hillary vote in Michigan? Nothing. I registered some voters in Arizona, thatā€™s it. Now we have federal troops in the streets, and itā€™s my fault. There are millions of people like me who did jack shit in 2016 to help Hillary, who need to step up to push this binary decision from 0 to 1.


As an aside, this slogan comes straight out of the corporate messaging play book. Back in April/May every large company around was coming up with some alliterative three word slogan to ā€œmessageā€ their response to Covid. Stuff like React Respond Return. There must be something behind this, like focus groups respond well to them or they fit well on mobile device formats or something. These decisions are very (over)engineered in the background.

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Sounds like a lot of great reasons to sit this one out and allow the rise of the Fourth Reich.


What the hell did HILLARY do to get one more vote in Michigan? What did the party or her campaign do to win those people over after they made it clear they preferred Bernie in the primary?

Maybe instead of castigating voters 24/7 to ā€œdonā€™t boo, voteā€ and ā€œvote blue no matter whoā€ and how if you donā€™t vote, actually the math says you did voteā€¦ FOR TRUMP - maybe the party can run candidates that people want to vote for? Maybe those candidates can look at like 80% of the Democratic Party favoring single payer healthcare and fucking support it. Maybe they can support a climate plan that does what it needs to do, instead of taking that plan and then preemptively compromising to a worse plan that doesnā€™t save the planet. Maybe theyā€™d engender more trust and loyalty if their candidate didnā€™t have a drug addict failson who was given a fake 6 figure job in the Ukraine and who courts billionaire donors by telling them that nothing will fundamentally change if he is ejected. Shittttt, maybe next time weā€™ll even get someone who we donā€™t need to worry about suffering from senility or dying of old age in office (and Iā€™m including Bernie in both of these).

TW for a probably bad domestic violence analogy below:

Thereā€™s an analogy here where dem voters are like domestic abuse victims who are expected to do everything exactly right to avoid more terrible consequences, while the party changes absolutely nothing and does nothing differently to avoid those outcomes - instead deciding the best solution is to just yell at their voters to do better to avoid another beating. And the voters put on a huge fake smile and pretend they love this guy, and tell all their friends that actually heā€™s a much better guy than he seems and just ignore the last 40 years of him being an absolute piece of shit -heā€™s changed now! All because itā€™s the only way to avoid more beatings in November. And, of course, even if we do everything right and things calm down in a few months, our reward is being stuck with this great guy for 4 more years.

Obviously these situations arenā€™t the same for a million reasons, and voting for Biden is in no way equally traumatic as trying to mollify an abusive partner, but I think the power dynamics at play are similar.


But other things the president handles is for instance pandemic response and relations with our allies. Governing. It would be bad if things like those slipped for another four years.

No, no, the purpose of the president is to somehow magically become a legislator and pass M4A and the GND, exactly how they were written. No one cares about foreign policy, and the idea that the presidency is a moral office is laughable because leadership is for shitlibs.


The problem with libs and the whole DNC is they think a really good speech will magically change the world. Theyā€™ve been ruined by The West Wing.


No, we think Biden has bad foreign policy. So does he, apparently, since he has been insistent on lying about his Iraq vote. We also think that the president can place a heavy thumb on the scale when it comes to legislation, so weā€™d like one who supports good legislation instead of bad legislation.


This is all fair, but Donnie Dumb Dumb has literally the worst foreign policy imaginable, with the exception that he is too cowardly, lazy, and stupid to act on his worst instincts and just bomb a bunch of shithole countries.


Heā€™s expanded our bombings in Syria, to say nothing of the Iranian general we assassinated.

Politics has nothing to do with effective communication. :crazy_face:

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This is the problem. There is no next time.

There is some good happening within the party. The CPC increased from 70 to 95 members in 2019. The Squad exists, and is expanding, defeating corporate-funded incumbents. Old codgers and coots in leadership will die off or retire and be replaced with younger, more progressive reps. People in general, and women in particular, are more politically active and aware (see turnout numbers in MI, PA, and WI in 2018, for example).

Itā€™s very frustrating to see how slowly progress happens, but itā€™s much more frustrating to see even the possibility of progress blocked by apathy and both sidesing.


Indeed. And thatā€™s not the high end of his idiocy range when it comes to foreign policy. He puts Russian interests ahead of Americaā€™s so long as Putin tells him heā€™s a Big Boy. He wants to ramp up nuclear weapon stockpiles because Big Beautiful Bombs make him feel personally tough.