The DNC 2020

“In some history class in the future, children are learning…”

Lisa Blunt Rochester going full, “time is a flat circle.”


This is going great so far. I’m just going to pretend that last night was only Michelle Obama’s speech.

God damn it. My pony brought gifs!


Please let me know the format, I guess technically they haven’t nominated Biden officially? Need to have the formal process of choosing him over the loser?

By loser I mean first runner up

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virtual trip around america! choo choo!!!

I called for this as a location for a speech like two weeks ago! Nice work Dems!! (Selma)

alabama?? bathroom break

I’m a many worlds guy so do not like.

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lol “alabama” gives 8 votes to bernie sanders and “the great state of alabama” gives 52 votes for the next president of the united states, mr joe biden!!!

Don’t mind the creepy soldiers in masks standing behind us making this look like a hostage video.

Samoa has delegates. Ok I’ll admit I don’t know that.

shoulda had dwane johnson for this one


Alaska dude has strong eyebrow game

The best thing we could find to stand in front of in Arkansas is… a parking lot.


494 for joe biden so far. will he make it??

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This is how they should do all future nominations, though. A series of videos from around the country. It’s way better with the scenery and all. All the stuff on the convention floor is boring as fuck.



Hillary shares surging on predictit


Peter Carozza of Connecticut wins the award for having the cue cards the farthest way from the camera.