The DNC 2020

I wonder how long it will be before the DNC Chair gets the “Roger Goodell at the Draft” treatment.

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Tom Perez is yelling. What a shock

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Damn this guy sucks

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Ya this is terrible. Sounds so fake.

By the way, how tilted are we all going to be when the audio cuts out for like 5-10 seconds during AOC’s pre-recorded speech?

gavel time, babyyyyyyy

AOC on deck!

So apparently AOC only got in because Bernie picked her to speak on his behalf for a nominating speech?

Sure seems that way. This part of the convention will really confuse the low info voters that happen to be watching.


No chance she speaks without DNC approval in this format.

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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96 seconds.

She is so good.

Even my parents and cousins love AOC. They are silent/boomers.


Seems impossible to not like her.

She’s going to be president someday if we still have free and fair elections. She’s the reason progressives need to suck it up and vote for Biden, so we still have free and fair elections in '24 and '28.

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Ok, I admit it’s cool they got the elevator lady to nominate Biden

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trump’s elevator attendant would nominate him at the rnc but he signed an NDA


I guess she gave her best elevator pitch on why Biden should be the nominee.

I’ll see myself out now.


lisa rochester positing that time is a flat circle and the future is happening simultaneously with the past and present

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