The DNC 2020

Bill dropping those numbers, he loves that arithmetic.

I am hating the suit/tie color combo. Be better Bill.

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Pretty solid takedown.

Hmm, no buildup to Bill. Maybe that means itll be short.

Iā€™m watching in the hotel lobby with my parents and my two southern democrat cousins, drinking wine and chatting. They all agree that having Bill speak is pretty tone deaf right now.

zapping people on social media is the WORST. boooooooo

I agree with that, for sure, but this has been a decent speech.


and this sign language interpreter is killing it too

I mean, he was always a charismatic speaker. Stillā€¦eh

Bill Clinton loves small numbers. Numbers below the COVID curve. Numbers below projected unemployment. Numbers below the age of consent, maybe.

Get this guy off our screens.

Yeah I agree completely. Iā€™ve been on the record from the start that neither Bill or Hillary should speak at this convention.

Why do they have an interpreter instead of closed captioning? Would be so much more useful.

blame bully belittle


build back better

itā€™s a clear choice, folks

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Itā€™s time to officially make me $1,000 on the easiest bet I ever made in my life (Hillary NOT the nominee, made the bet in like November or December, laid 2 to 1 on $1K).


What if I want to vote for the Better Business Bureau?

Whoa flashback to Obama saying 57 states

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Is the guy gonna pay?

bbb is a shitty 1970s version of yelp


Fuck off Tom

He reached out to me when Biden wrapped it up to say he didnā€™t want me to think he forgot, and heā€™d be in touch after the convention once it was official. Typically Iā€™d see him once or twice a week in the casino, though, so weā€™ll see.

Counter point: online reviews of my apartment complex are pretty good, because they pay for good ones. The BBB has several complaints, though. I wish Iā€™d checked before I moved.