The DNC 2020

So are you saying he has no trouble with the curves?


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A broken image? Perhaps too true about the party.

John Kasich, you ain’t even a pimple on the late great Robert Johnson’s ass.

lol, I totally missed this last night


Almost all Run The Jewels songs could be called protest music and it all slaps


CNN just ran an ad for tonight and Dr Biden, Clinton and AOC got their own mention and splash page. Schumer and Kerry were not mentioned and crammed on a splash screen together.

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Funny fact about a cage, they’re never built for just one group
So when that cage is done with them and you still poor, it come for you
The newest lowest on the totem, well golly gee, you have been used
You helped to fuel the death machine that down the line will kill you too (Oops)
Pseudo-Christians, y’all indifferent, kids in prisons ain’t a sin? Shit
If even one scrap of what Jesus taught connected, you’d feel different

Too bad 0 people who need to hear that will.

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Why is Chuck Schumer taking? Who wants to hear that? Go fuck off at a Hamptons party with Petra Ecclestone and Matt Lauer you impotent douchenozzle.


It’s impossible to believe she is not some actress doing an SNL bit. This is as if Kristen Wiig were in the Midwesterners.

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The reason is the are big names/familiar, thus more likely to attract headlines.

I hate the style of argument where “I don’t understand why you did something, therefore you’re an idiot.”

Find me someone who gives a flying fuck about John Kerry’s speech. One single human.

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His wife. :grin:

You’re asking the guy who just told you he had a Kerry avatar.

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His RINO, billionaire wife. We do need to reach across the aisle to those Romney/Clinton voters.

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More importantly, can someone make a compelling case that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton or John Kerry will inspire more votes/donations than they will scare away?

At least with Pelosi and Schumer you can make the case that they will entice some Wall Street money or something. Which of course is exactly the fucking problem with Pelosi and Schumer.