The DNC 2020

skydiver, your sense for this? How is putting two Clintons on the podium sitting with the general electorate? Should they have gone with Chelsea?

Bernie bros are too mean online and off putting but our big tent is big enough for republicans who have actively fought against progressive change and cops who love Alex Jones

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I think Kerry is neutral because basically nobody gives a shit about him one way or another.

The Clintons are another matter. They are downright toxic.

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I donā€™t disagree with this, but I will never forget how awesome Billā€™s 2012 DNC speech was.


I agree with that. This is why I didnā€™t have a big problem with Kasich, I think it made sense to get a high profile Republican to endorse Biden at the convention. Kasich is a pretty good get in that regard. He wasnā€™t there to make us happy, he was there to give moderates and right wingers who hate liberals permission to vote for Biden.

At least thereā€™s an upside and limited downside. The Clintons are the opposite. Meanwhile, no Julian Castro? Very limited time for AOC? Sara Gideon only intros a musical act? No Bullock? No Hickenlooper? No Jaime Harrison? No Inslee? No Beto?

Iā€™d take any of them over the Clintons. We have all these critical Senate races, and people who can speak to various parts of the party are running for those seats, people with a lot of political talent. We have people who ran for president who are talented speakers and passionate about important issues, and weā€™re benching them too.


Seems like the whole DNC leadership needs to go, or we need a new party.


The big donors need a lot of reassuring.


You might be letting your bubble cloud this question. It would be bizarre if the previous dem presidential candidate and a living dem president were not speaking, no? Are there examples where this has ever happened.

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I agree with your general point, but just for the record, neither George HW or George W spoke at the Republican convention in '16. Obviously, Trump is not Biden especially when it comes to ties to and respect for the party legacy.

As far as Clinton goes, yeah, heā€™s problematic, but, he also represents the " even if I didnā€™t love everything about him, he seemed competent enough that I didnā€™t have to worry about politics every day" ethos that Biden is going for. That obviously wonā€™t play with the burn it all down crowd, but itā€™s not meant to.

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Bill Clinton fits in with the theme of his night. Heā€™s supposed to be part of a series of remarks on leadership from the Oval Office, along with the Carters and JFKā€™s descendants, Caroline Kennedy and her son, Jack Schlossberg. I donā€™t think heā€™s being given time for the sort of long-winded speech that he is known for.

The DNC has released snippets of prepared remarks. Billā€™s include the line:

Donald Trump says weā€™re leading the world. Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple. At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, itā€™s a storm center. Thereā€™s only chaos. Just one thing never changesā€”his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.

Tracee Ellis Ross takes the baton from Eva Longoria for tonight. Theyā€™re going with a joint keynote address, with duties shared by Stacey Abrams, Raumesh Akbari Colin Allred, Brendan Boyle, Yvanna Cancela, Kathleen Clyde, Nikki Fried, Robert Garcia, Malcolm Kenyatta, Marlon Kimpson, Conor Lamb, Mari Manoogian, Victoria Neave, Jonathan Nez, Sam Park, Denny Ruprecht and Randall Woodfin.

Night three is hosted by Kerry Washington. I assume the more detailed schedule comes tomorrow morning, but the speaker lineup makes me think that there is going to be some sort of ladiesā€™ night theme, which you probably canā€™t do without Hillary Clinton in the lineup. The only confirmed male speakers that night are the host state governor, Tony Evers, and Barack Obama.

The last nightā€™s emcee is Julia Louis-Dreyfus. I think Tammy Baldwin is there as a representative of Wisconsin, but I am worried that the rest of the lineup could be Biden unveiling his future Cabinet because fucking Michael Bloomberg is there. James G. Watt would probably describe it as two blacks, an Asian, a gay, a Jew, and a cripple. And Gavin Newsom.

Vict0ar, on his way to the camps: ā€œAt least I didnā€™t vote for Biden, suck it eDems!ā€


Pretty much no one is excited for Bill Clinton to be there. Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€œugh, why himā€.

Hillary, a little bit less animosity. Kerry? Meh.


I genuinely donā€™t know, did Gore speak in '04 and Kerry in '08? I donā€™t think we automatically have to have the last nominee speak when she happens to be a lightning rod (largely not her fault, but still), one of the most polarizing figures in American politics, and one of the most disliked major party candidates ever.

Did Dukakis speak in '92?

And, like, youā€™re not going to see any former Republican presidents or nominees at their convention, right? Certainly not Romney or Bush. Bush didnā€™t speak at the 2012 convention, either, if you want to go for more normal times.

Bush and HRC are somewhat similar: the other party loathes them, independents range from a dislike to hating them, their own party doesnā€™t universally love them.

Thatā€™s fair. If heā€™s only got a few minutes as part of a broader theme, I can live with that.

I would consider this good strategy, butā€¦

If weā€™re going to put Republicans in the cabinet, they ought to at least open up winnable Senate seats.

Are we going to pretend that the Lewinsky scandal wasnā€™t dominating the news for months on end?

In fairness, nobody was worried about dying or losing their home because of a presidential sex scandal. I donā€™t want to downplay what he did, especially in our much better current hindsight, but letā€™s not pretend people were watching the news coverage of it for anything other than intrigue or entertainment.

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This is a good comparison because homer voted for the other evil alien who wouldā€™ve done something similar, in the end his vote didnā€™t matter much at all. Thereā€™s even a funny part in The episode where the 2 aliens running laugh and say vote 3rd party like it will make a difference

Edit: the clip actually backs victors views more than the vote blue crew lol


Can you imagine the ratings if they let Romney speak at either convention? Instead Iā€™ll just have to jump into the wayback machine for his 2016 speech warning everyone what would happen.

How about when he did welfare reform and was looking to privatize social security?

So the dem party is just turning into GOP lite even quicker with Trump in power