The DNC 2020

“Brilliant move! No one is more in touch with the challenges & obstacles faced by everyday Americans than actors & celebrities”

Dude…what the fuck do you think Donald Trump is?


We should consider who the target audience of the convention is. Much as we would like it to be aimed at people like us, it’s function isn’t as a progressive pep rally.

The Democratic Party’s message reaches most people through the filter of the mainstream media. This is especially true of the undecided and late-deciding voters. The Republicans have gotten around that by developing their own parallel media structure and Donald Trump has mastered using Twitter to directly reach his followers unfiltered by the media.

The convention should be seeking to set a narrative that the media is willing to copy. Catering to the biases of the mainstream media creates future positive treatment. Unfortunately, they have a tendency towards bothsiderism and centrism. To get around that, a Democratic candidate would have to go to war against the media in the same way that Republicans have and rely on social media to push a counter-narrative.

We’ve been looking for an unrepentant progressive to lead us to the promised land when what we really need is a progressive who is able to fool people into believing that they are more moderate, then move to the left once in office. Unfortunately, we’re more likely to get a moderate who fools us into believing they will be more progressive than they actually are.

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[quote=“NotBruceZ, post:544, topic:2446, full:true”] what we really need is a progressive who is able to fool people into believing that they are more moderate, then move to the left once in office.

Exactly what Harris did.

Wait, is that real? If so yikes. Looks like bad TikTok.

Yup that’s real. I was half a bottle of wine and a joint deep at that point and I really enjoyed it.



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…Which argument would that be?

Only @clovis8 can save you.

Well I haven’t watched (read a transcript of) it yet but I’m guessing it’s the “kill them all and let God sort them out” argument.

I have zero intention of engaging that completely bad faith question. :grin:

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Saying all protest music today sucks basically is an admission you don’t listen to hip hop, which is fine, but you should probably shut up.


Yeah that was fucking insane.

It still wouldn’t hurt to not directly mention them, when we can say,

“Krazy K0ving0tn Kids”


“K0vingt0n Katholic Krackers”


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TLDW of the DNC as of now?

It’s neutral faith, I don’t even know what Bernie said yet.

How many of the people eating it up were planning on voting for Trump but had their vote swayed to Biden?

who knows? That’s not the target audience for the DNC though.

I’m amazed Eastwood hasn’t been MeToo’d yet. That guy has a crazy number of affairs and illegitimate children that resulted in sham marriages to “make them legit”. I’m convinced that he wrote the scene in Mexico in The Mule solely to have an excuse to feel up naked 20-somethings.

[raises hand]

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