The DNC 2020

Biden and Harris doing their first sit down interview right now (taped Friday) on ABC2020. Let’s see if he can continue his DNC speech run good.

Yeah, I dunno if Nazi Germany was really a great poster boy for accelerationism. There’re no Allied Forces to stop the US once it goes full Nazi.

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Yeah I’ve thought about this too. Dictator Trump with the full might of the American military and nobody to realistically stop him is terrifying. He thinks nukes are useless if you don’t actually use them.

We’re supposed to stop him. Good luck.

We? I thought you weren’t sure who you were voting for?

I meant by other means than voting, but since I’ve posted that I’m voting for Biden probably more than a dozen times and I’ve never said anything at all that would ever indicate that I’m not sure who I’m voting for…sigh

A) your post is pretty fucking stupid

B) that’s a little annoying

Not sure which way to go yet.

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Didn’t you say you weren’t sure a few days ago? I was arguing with Vict0ar or Watevs or someone and I thought you said you weren’t sure and it didn’t matter since you were in California. Please tell me I didn’t dream this entire sequence.

No. Seems like you read things like the other cultists around here. I’ve said lots of things about how my vote means nothing (it absolutely means nothing) and that I don’t blame people at least in non-swing states for not voting or voting third party and I’ve told people making idiotic arguments that not voting = voting for Trump that those arguments are idiotic, but w/e, to the cultist that’s all stepping over a line that makes me an enemy I guess. But, every god damn time I’ve done that I’ve said I’m voting Biden anyway.

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I never called you an enemy, I stated that I thought you weren’t sure if you were voting for Biden or someone else. Apparently I inferred more than you said the other day or mixed up who said what, I’m sorry.

Cultist Cuse

Here’s a result of “I’m voting for Biden” @microbet

Ok, so it’s “that’s a little annoying” then.

Seems like a relatively strong accusation to me to be making without looking things up. In fact, in the last conversation (probably the one you’re thinking of) I talked to Clovis about how it’s just not that hard to look things up before you post.

I just searched your posts for a few minutes and couldn’t find it either way regarding the recent conversation. I can’t recall what thread it was in.

Maybe we need a thread where everyone states their voting intent.

I live in Cali, and I said something similar to what you are remembering.

Here’s where I am at presently:

  1. I will not vote for Trump.

  2. Biden has had a year+ to earn my vote. He has failed miserably. Sure he isnt Trump, but I have other non Trump options.

  3. Biden has 2 months left to earn my vote. At this time he seems to be focused on appealing to republicans, and refusing to support M4A which saves money and lives. And he has other policies that I disagree with.

  4. I don’t owe my vote to anybody. If everyone to the left of let’s say you(cuse) when polled about who they’d vote for said that they were undecided. The polls would be at Trump 40% Biden 40% and Undecided 20%. I think there’s a better chance Biden would be forced to move left if his handlers didn’t think they already had your vote in their pocket. But they think correctly, that you already have acquiesced to supporting a man who’s biggest selling point is that he’s the lesser of two evils.

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Correct, you didn’t. I think it’s obvious enough that I wasn’t trying to quote you and that I was making an inference and perhaps hyperbole, but I think I have a pretty good feeling that there’s a common sentiment around here that “not being sure who you’re voting for” is a significant problem. And the question mark in “We?” is very culty. My allegiance, loyalty and membership are what is challenged. It’s obviously hostile.

Ok, though. I don’t think you’re generally hostile towards me and don’t mean to beef.

Anyway, I’m sensitive to what I consider the absolute bullshit around here that goes something like:

A: Biden Sucks
B: So you’re in love with Donald Trump.

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I mean I don’t think of you as an enemy, but I do think people not being sure who they’re voting for is a significant problem. The question mark “We?” was because I thought you weren’t sure who you were voting for, so I was like well how are we stopping him if we’re not voting him out? If it’s challenging your allegiance, loyalty and membership to anything it’s the group that’s getting him out. Like if people aren’t voting for him, I’m going to need to hear some realistic plans on how they think we’re going to stop him if the 2020 election isn’t it - because as far as I’m concerned it’s like 99% of our equity for removing him from office.

My vote doesn’t do anything to get him out. Not a single thing. Running up the vote in California to influence whether or not the Supreme Court decides it’s time to stop counting ballots in Wisconsin? No, that’s not a possible thing.

The question at hand was how is Hitler/Trump to be stopped if there are no countries that can invade and militarily defeat the US. Right? That was the context. The answer is violent revolution.

OK, good.


No, you don’t. Either Donald Trump or Joe Biden will be president.

I disagree with many of his policies, but let’s just take healthcare for example… Right now we have the Affordable Care Act, it’s being continuously attacked from the right, and is in dire need of a fix from the attacks and an upgrade (public option). I, too, prefer true M4A in the form of single payer, but it’s not on the ballot. We either get…

Trump: Continued attacks on the ACA, and likely a full judicial repeal because RBG probably isn’t going to make it four more years. The outcome will be back to pre-Obama, which means 10s of millions more uninsured.

Biden: Attempts to strengthen the ACA, and perhaps a public option. It’ll be the shittiest version of a public option, I assume, where it’s just on the marketplace and you have to pay for it… But if the cost is lower than the private plans, it’ll be a big step toward single payer as more and more people will choose to use it. It also would expand the number of people covered rather than decreasing that number.


That’s not how the eDems and their highly paid strategists do it. They’d move farther right to win a higher percentage of moderates.

This isn’t a normal election, so I don’t think this type of logic applies. If it were Biden v. Romney you could argue that. Democracy itself is on the ballot. It’s an all hands on deck moment. I view a Biden win as a pre-req for any progressive victory in the future. A Trump win will leave us with a Trump dictatorship.

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I think there’s a number where if Trump wins the EC but loses the popular vote by that wide of a margin, there is widespread unrest and who knows what happens? I think running up the score matters. It could also pave the way for Calexit, which would be good for Californians at least (and I’d be on my way west pretty damn fast if that happened).

In practice this would look more like violent slaughter of left wing revolutionaries.

That point was also a digression. It developed from Clovis just looking for an example about how the racism level in a society can rapidly change. I was just suggesting that it did with the defeat of the Nazis in Germany. I wasn’t recommending accellerationism.

You think that your opponent–one of the stupidest, most openly corrupt racists in the history of politics–is going to destroy our legal norms, devastate our economy, and deliver a disastrous pandemic response that kills over 170k Americans and counting…and your plan is to write strongly worded letters to this person?

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