The DNC 2020

Or non-violent revolution. Or things that aren’t revolution. Still, the point generally, the answer to Trolly’s question, is that if Trump becomes Hitler he has to be removed by Americans if he’s going to be removed at all. That’s what I meant by “we”. I just meant Americans.

I agree with that. Emphasis on the bolded, though.

As I’ve said before, my #1 hope is that he just dies.

The bolded is where you and I disagree.

I think we would agree that the Biden camp are currently moving right because those are the votes that they beleive they don’t have, but think they can win over. The reasoning behind that is solid.

However, if their polling showed that the undecideds weren’t all moderates or right leaning, but instead was predominantly people like you, then they’d have to move left to win your vote.

Once you have promised your vote to a politician, they don’t have to do jack shit for you. His strategists are doing GTO based upon a reality in which you(and a whole swath of left leaning people) aren’t doing GTO plays to pull the candidate left.

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You think they’d move left to try to get more votes, I think they’d just move farther right.

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I swear I’m not trying to be combative, in fact the opposite. I’m trying to reassure people that just because we talk a bunch of shit doesn’t mean we’re gonna snatch people out of the voting line and lock them in the basement until the polls close.

In fact,

The RNC reminded a lot of people.

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Yeah, I’m sure we’ll both be excitedly campaigning for AOC if/when the time comes. Hope we both get plenty of chances to push America left.

ah yes, we got scalise now, chessmate deplorables

Just fucking deplorable. And arrogant to think he could get away with it.