The DNC 2020

I just picked a number to show savings. Most people will save money under M4A. Probably everyone making under 80K if not 100K.

They came up with billions on short notice for what will hopefully be a short term expense. Adding $1T in expenses permanently is a different calculation.

For sure. I just think that in an emergency the money is there. And the absence of UHC is an emergency. 20+ million Americans still don’t have HC.

The other thing wrt to wages is that you’re less likely to look for a new job when you have one that includes health care. I’m much more loyal to my current employer because of my health care plan than I would be knowing I could go to a new place that doesn’t provide hc benefits.

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I agree with this sentiment - we want employers to compete to offer valuable compensation to attract workers, but it really sucks to be trapped in a bad job with good health care.

Yup and that’s.the point—no need to stay stuck when your hc is covered either way.

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lmao yeah we know you think that, that’s what he’s ripping on you about


Is that meant to be a Star Fleet logo inside the Dem logo?


I want to be excited about the Biden speech but the part where he said he kicks two puppies a day, one in the morning and another before bed, is making me uncomfortable.


Correction: Biden did not say he kicks two puppies a day, one in the morning and another before bed.

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As many of you know, I’ve been watching a lot of classic British television lately. After watching this dude Brayden Harrington deliver a phenomenal performance at the DNC conference, it strikes me that there are almost zero characters in the culture who stutter. There’s The King’s Speech and I, Claudius, and that’s about all there is for the entire canon of pop culture.

This kid is waaay to young to be watching I, Claudius, but I hope he catches it some day and notes this incredible portrait of an insecure, stammering protagonist dishing out the T.

I still support Biden because Trump kicks three puppies.


Ok I like the joke but can I pivot off of it?

This pivot might even be part of your joke but if not, this really really needs clarification: Why is that every little thing that isn’t “Joe > trump, vote Joe” gets immediately redirected to “Joe > trump, vote Joe”?

Does one need to sign a contract in blood in blood saying they’re not actively campaigning for trump before they can, not even criticize Bidens/dems, say something even tangentially related to this election?

Lol he made a joke. A good one too. Chill.


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Did I really come off upset and mad at somebody or are you joshing me?

p.s. Contract In Blood had the opposite effect?

10% former 90% latter. :grin: