The DNC 2020

I hate puppies and will have to reconsider my anti-Trump stance.


No oneā€™s saying you canā€™t criticize Biden and the Dems.

People redirect towards the election because they feel the election is so important that they relate everything to it. Music. TV shows. Food. If it is created by or associated with someone who seems to not believe ā€œJoe>Trumpā€, they will treat it as suspect and maybe refuse to have anything to do with it.

People have a wartime mentality. They see anything that isnā€™t anti-Trump as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

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All of them. All of them plus all the kittens.

Yeah, sorry, I get that.

I shouldā€™ve specified why here?

Itā€™s not a community of strangers and randoms like FB or twitter.

All of them. All of them plus all the kittens.


Are you shocked that there is gamblingpoliticization going on this establishmentpolitics forum?

It may be possible to make the comments you want to make without getting immediate and overwhelming pushback, but itā€™s not going to happen in a thread about a partisan political event like the convention. Try starting a topic for airing grievances about the Democratic Party without mentioning Republicans or Trump.





Standard trolley problem stuff. If people will still get droned, die with out health care, and get ground up by the for-profit prison complex no matter who wins, but more die if Trump wins, is it morally permissible to vote for Biden? I respect the decision of people who refuse to pull that lever because they refuse to actively do something that results in death, whether it is one life to save five or one life to save one hundred or one life to save a million.

Whatā€™s the equivalent in this election of putting a brake on the trolley?

To be fair, he thought they were his children.


Iā€™d take a swing at a few sick puppies

Nothing short of an alien invasion.

So in your mind,
ā€œIt was never implemented because the Governor claimed it would cost too muchā€
is the same as,
ā€œIt was implemented, but only briefly, because it cost too muchā€


You stand at the lever, not actually feeling the weight of this weighty decision because you are a strong, free-thinking man. Weights are like chains; free men donā€™t feel them. Your thoughts are free. You are free-thinking. You are a free-thinking man.

A train car full of migrant children is barreling down the track. Separated from their families, they will suffer the unimaginable torment of lifelong attachment disorders if further deprived of love. On their current track, the children will be delivered to a station packed with racist child-torturers, eager to perpetuate migrant suffering as they usher in a fascist dystopia.

The other track is shrouded in mist, and difficult to see. Your previous experiences with this route assure you that it is less likely to torture children and even includes some welfare advocates, though you remain dissatisfied with their stance on medical insurance.

It is an easy decision. You walk away. You disdain all tracks that are shrouded in mist. And you donā€™t like it when others force you to make a choice. You are a free-thinking man.

As you exit the tracks, the sounds of escalating child torment are equally dulled by your self-congratulation and by your Bose noise-cancelling headphones. You are free. You are thinking. You are a man.

You are a free-thinking man.

This is 95% tongue-in-cheek and obviously a hyper-simplification. But I enjoyed writing it so donā€™t @me.


And then. In the distance you see a second lever. It looks pristine, and by the look of things it would send the trolley down a whole new path. There might be some obstacles on it but it looks like it leads to a sunny meadow. You rush to it.

Just as youā€™re about to reach it you see an army made up from the billionaire class, the corporate media, the lobbying and party infrastructure and more. At their head stands Obama, he pulls a gun. ā€œthat lever is inoperable. Turn backā€ he says ā€œbut it looks like it works fine from hereā€ you reply. ā€œthat lever.ā€ he repeats slowly as he raises the gun. ā€œis in-operableā€ you turn dejectedly back to your original leverā€¦


@Nononocantsleep cheers


Oh, good. Otherwise weā€™d have to have the same conversation again about how history wonā€™t end in 4 years.

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Iā€™m unfamiliar with this line of thought. Perhaps someone would be willing to rehash it?

Cliffs: We shouldnā€™t only consider what is best for the next 4 years but what is best for the next 40 years.

40 years seems awfully short sighted