The DNC 2020

Maybe you could do that one for us?

I agree that heā€™s wrong, the root of the conversation was a question about whether his opposition to universal health care arises from his own personal lack of empathy. I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. The obvious comparison is someone like Donnie Dumb Dumb. He opposes universal HC because he personally has no empathy for anyone lacking HC and he has actual malicious intent toward non whites. Joe is just wrong.

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When I voted lib it was way back in Cretien days.

He has all the info that it could save us money. Im more inclined to believe he is against it because his donors are.

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Possibly. Which donors?

His healthcare industry donors.

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Do you know which health care industry donors and how much? Iā€™m not sure if that information is widely available.

I seem to recall reading something recently from some insider that was suggesting that most of the funding and influence comes from individual donors. I thought it was pretty interesting.

"No Democratic candidate has pulled in more from the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries than Biden, who raised more than $97,000. "

To me though it does not really matter why he actively opposes single payer. Ignorance, donors, lack of empathy. All still leave people dead.

And i still get to see my incumbent use Bidenā€™s words against the dem running who is supporting M4A in my districtā€¦

imagine mincing a hundred words to defend poor little joseph biden to make sure that we arenā€™t besmirching his personal lack of empathy, as if that matters one bit to the people dying and going bankrupt in the American health care system


I donā€™t want to jinx it, but the democrats are kind of doing this better than the republicans so farā€¦

I think it would matter if he opposes single-payer because he thinks it is too expensive and too unwieldy, but he can be convinced if you give him a plan for paying for it and prove that it can be managed by using a public option as a pilot project.

If heā€™s a persuadable, reasonable person, then his sticking points matter because you have a shot at changing his mind. Has Joe Biden ever changed his mind on an important issue? If so, how did that happen?

4 more yearsā€¦

Can he be convinced? Bernieā€™s plan showed it would save us money and Biden crapped on it.

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12 more yearsā€¦

If he were going to change his mind, he wouldnā€™t do it during the primaries.


Nooooooooooooooooo, It canā€™t beā€¦ :grimacing:

Well i dont expect if he wins we will get single payer regardless. Hope im wrong and less people die from lack of healthcare.

Does anyone besides me think the small expansions are bad strat altogether? It makes it easier for republicans to drag things back then if we had universal healthcare which would be much harder to take away.


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fwiw, Vermont tried single payer and they had to very quickly get off it due to it costing too much and that is one of the healthiest states. Dunno whatā€™s changed in bernieā€™s plan since though.

It always costs way way more than they initially say it will. Easier to pass initially that way. Then come back later and ask for more, ie that bullshit fighter jet that cost a gazillion dollars.