The DNC 2020

split screen FTW

For those who donā€™t click on stuff:

meanwhile his supporters have been very vocal about the DNC not letting him speak. All is not as it seems, I guess.



2012 RNC chant was: ā€œWe built thatā€ a reference to taking Obamaā€™s ā€œyou didnā€™t build thatā€ out of context

2016 RNC chant was: ā€œLock her up!ā€ & ā€œBuild the Wallā€

What will the 2020 RNC chant(s) be?

  • Kung Fu/ Gyna Flu
  • Lock her up(for real this time)
  • All Lives Matter
  • Back the Blue
  • Law & Order
  • USA! USA! USA!
  • Build the Wall (the remix)
  • Trump Trump Trump!
  • Other(please reply with your best guess)

0 voters

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I know it looks exciting but itā€™s basically just a mini-setup of everything they already do on the road remotely put inside the guyā€™s house. The sources heā€™s dealing with, while coming from more locations at lower quality are probably easier to deal with than normal sources and they probably had months of testing to get the set up right using similar types of feeds (something that doesnā€™t happen at live events). With all that said, based on what people said here, there were a lot of issues with it just like there are always tons of issues and mistakes in any live broadcast.

To break it down:

-The box in the center is his switcher
-The computer on the left is probably a link to his feeds
-The monitor to his right is the broadcast
-The other monitors with the dozens of feeds on them are the sources (each button on the switcher correlates to one of those feeds)
-Iā€™m guessing the tablet is the rundown or chat or additional communication from the producers/director (not sure if this guy is the director or the TD, but probably is the TD)
-Headset is for communication with producers/director
-Not sure what the laptop on the right is
-Smartphone is for when heā€™s bored during the speeches

Iā€™d actually be more interested in seeing how they handled the sound.

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They should have Sarah Cooper mime the whole thing


Itā€™s just a funny pic, tho, barefoot guy in a t-shirt orchestrating a complex national broadcast to tens of millions.

As for degree of difficulty, I want to see how the GOP does before jumping to any conclusions.

September 31.

I present Pelosiā€™s Greatest Hits

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how could you leave this one out?



I think this is all of a piece. The attitudes about spending are all intertwined with the attitudes about what is ā€œpracticalā€ and the compulsion with reaching across the aisle and win over imaginary moderate Rs.

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Good chance of no real cheers, because of virtual format, but FOUR MORE YEARS is an obvious omission


At the now infamous Oklahoma rally most people in the audience were basically dozing off.

I assumed that the RNC was going to be a live event with no masks. I guess they should have held it at Sturgis and killed two birds with one stone.

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Pelosi for the healthcare chat? I canā€™t

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HAH that is a good one. I limited it to stuff that told a story around Trump. We can go full Pelosi biography. Itā€™s surreal to see her full career over the years in gifs.

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He does not just not pursue it. He fights against it.

And really it would save us money so he is wrong there too. How can we not afford to do it.


Now do her greatest legislation