The DNC 2020

He was in the store on Main Street that sold apparel. It was a coincidence, which is kind of funny in hindsight. Like he needed to buy UD gear? They wouldn’t just give it to him? Lol

Gotta give the old man props for that one


I dont’ think he’s a Russian troll. I just think he posts like one.

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I am going to stop engaging in this endless debate as it has no upside. I’ve put the people on ignore I feel are most at guilt of either/or thinking. I’ve named them.

One last time for the record here are my views,

  1. I’ve named a couple people I honestly think engage in simplistic either/or thinking. I also honestly see little difference between their worldview and that of most trumpkins other than the side they landed on. I stand by this opinion. When someone like victoar posts this I see no other conclusion to come to.

  1. everyone else, many who strongly disagree with me, are perfectly fine.

  2. I understand their anger. I simply think it is misguided when it results in anything that even remotely increases the chance of another trump term. I agree with Bernie, this is the most important election ever, maybe globally. Not voting for Biden is inexcusable in my (not humble enough) opinion.

  3. I have absolutely been guilty of too often lumping some people on here into the same category as the couple people I note in point 1. That has harmed the discourse here and I should be called out for it. I am aware and trying to stop it. That being said I think trump like logic is used too often and I intend to point it out as I expect others to do to me.


Totally fair. I guess maybe it boils down to I have no idea at all where victoar and watevs are coming from. Their entire worldview makes no sense to me at all. That could be a failing on my part I guess.

Anyway, I don’t see much value in continuing this debate. I’m not going to reply again on the subject (I hope) even to the inevitable shitlib posts this exchange will generate.

If I do I want to be called out! :grin:


He actively argues against it by saying it will cost to much and break Americas budget. Republicans are using his own words in an ad here against a dem who is for it.


It’s just righteous anger, like when Pelosi decided to endorse the Kennedy boy over the progressive Markey and Pelosi’s admitted reason is elitism* because of the family the boy came from, I’m like well fuck, maybe Victor is not that far off in saying they look down on the 99.5%.

True my initial post was about the attitudes of Obama/Biden not Pelosi, but as of today, Pelosi is the most powerful D today so seeing this from her is horrific.

*Which is actually even worse than the anti-progressive reasons we ascribed to her


edit: tbf, didn’t actually have pants on.


No mouse or keyboard? Like the floors and built-in shelves.

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There’s an open laptop on the left side of his desk.

I have voted liberal for this reason twice and even voted conservative once (Yikes!). The rest of my voting, and all my time and money lifetime, have gone to the NDP.

I really am at heart a “lesser of evils” guy in my political thinking.

I can appreciate how annoying it would to be in a two party system. It’s ludicrous to expect a party to comfortable house victoar and simplictus. Fights are inevitable. In the end though, my lesser of two evils thinking prevails and I would happily vote dem.

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And another one behind him to his right.

Right but those are a pain to use compared to a detached full-size keyboard and mouse.

some or all of them might be touch screens

I agree it’s an interesting topic. I just think people have heard my take plenty (too much!). If others want to discuss I’d be super interested too. I’ll go against character and play a fly on the wall. :grin:

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what, no Biden ranting about windmills or sharks or whatnot?

A fly who likes to poke people he says he has on ignore stirring the pot.

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I’d rather have Biden than fucking Pelosi.

yeah, i’ll skip her night.

Theres no way I’m not watching the RNC shitshow in order to tune in to Pelosi.