The Crypto Thread

Liz confirmed hater

she wants to make crypto a lower impact on the environment and everyone here boos her

I got that right?

If you move to El Salvador, it will soon be legal tender.

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liz is bull on eth2



That’s what I was thinking, she’s trying to shill her PoW bags.


she specifically didn’t say all crypto. just the environmentally wasteful ones. which i agree with her btw, it’s ridiculous. eth takeover NOW


I refuse to bow to our ape avatar overlords

Wice is such a liar something is pathologically wrong with him. It was hilarious on the night of the election he went “I’ve bet 7 figures on Trump, suck it libs” to a week later being like “lol, made money betting on Biden how can anyone be dumb enough to not?”




I saw the part when he said he made some savvy moves to not get rekt, lol did he end up saying he bet on Biden?

Nah she’s just talking about The Flippening and I don’t think anybody here is a BTCmaxi.

Good article which addresses some of the points in Liz’s video.

I admittedly know very little about this topic (BTC energy usage) but seems like her statements are misleading.

I mean, any other market wouldn’t have the liquidity to get unstuck or anywhere close to it.

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he ended up insisting he sold trump at the peak then flipped it all on biden or something like that. Somehow he always does everything perfectly


This is a good summary

Im not. Shes 100% correct

I have one ETH left so if it goes to a million I’ll be a millionaire. Math.


1 eth is the smallest amount of eth every person should have

Graphs should be looked at the same way as looking at the history board of a roulette wheel.

If the stock is small and sensitive enough to actually move based on TA as opposed to company fundamentals, then the opposite play would often be correct. ie, a stock that’s currently trading at 20 in which has been trading between 20-30 for 3 years could become overvalued if enough folks see 20 as a point of support. We see this when stocks drops heavily below the support levels. Fundamentals priced the stock below 20 while TA kept it at 20 creating a short at that price the correct play but incredibly fucking hard to actually do.