The Crypto Thread

I like that crypto is so decentralized one dumb-guy billionaire can make or break it.

Also super cool that eth tanks based on criticism that it uses too much electricity despite them already having a plan to greatly reduce their electricity use

Musk’s shit-posting could/should have cost him his role at Tesla. I’d put the odds that he posts something as dumb again at 50/50.

Maybe that was baked in.

He posted dumb shit all the time before he got into crypto. 100%

Shit posting just seems to make people more popular though, humans are messed up.

But even if blockchain/crypto is the most awesome and useful thing ever, there is no conceivable benefit to trading it trying to jockey for position to be early in line owning the winning cryptocurrency. The money you make from buying crypto early isn’t from providing any benefit to anyone, it’s just rent-seeking. It’s like justifying high frequency trading by saying that the stock market is useful.


A cult with a near $1tril market cap is some cult.

Pretty impressive of Musk to speak with all the miners of a fully decentralized network and get their consensus commitment :roll_eyes:


Apparently, along with Michael Saylor he did:

This fluff is nonsensical at worst, trite at best, and awful investment advice.

Sure spend your money on your health, and maybe your education if you derive happiness from it. But if you want to make money never invest too heavily in anything that relies on one person not getting hit by a truck.

tweets are protected, cant see

Just feels bearish in my bones these days.

Just invest $100 a week into VOO and you’ll have 700K after 30 years…assuming the market continues what its done since the genesis of its inception.

Yeah but you’re one of the guys trading topshots and nfts because it’s fun and challenging like poker. I thought we were kindred spirits. Why hath you forsaken me Josh.

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Fair point but im not trading those more of just building a longterm hold postion, like my current TopShot Lebrons and Topps Trouts I dont plan to sell for a while now that those markets are sorta dried up.

WHY AM I HOLDING? I’LL TELL YOU WHY. It’s because I’m a bad trader and I KNOW I’M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro. Likewise the weak hands are like OH NO IT’S GOING DOWN I’M GONNA SELL he he he and then they’re like OH GOD MY ASSHOLE when the SMART traders who KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEY’RE DOING buy back in but you know what? I’m not part of that group. When the traders buy back in I’m already part of the market capital so GUESS WHO YOU’RE CHEATING day traders NOT ME~! Those taunt threads saying “OHH YOU SHOULD HAVE SOLD” YEAH NO SHIT. NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD. I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU. You only sell in a bear market if you are a good day trader or an illusioned noob. The people inbetween hold. In a zero-sum game such as this, traders can only take your money if you sell.


omg I feel like that’s partially or fully a copypasted meme, i need the original source

i like how a link received the most clicks because it was protected and somebody pointed it out

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God bless him if he held since 2013 lol.

Well yeah, that’s why I trade. Like, if I bought 100 poopoocoins for 1 bitcoin, so 0.01 per poo, and I sell at 0.015, buy back at 0.0095, etc, after a few trades I have my poopoo position freerolled.

The problem with this though is what I mentioned before, in that it can make you complacent and do fish shit, thinking you’re “playing with house money”. Obviously not everybody here was a former poker crusher or played for a living, but I’d bet every penny I have that nobody here was a fish. All at least decent regs and thus understood the concept that you want to make, or try to make lol, +EV plays at all times. You’re not gonna chase a gutshot because you’re up on the session and feeling it or whatever.

I mean, the other day, remember when I posted this:

I actually was in a jokey mood when I bought the first or second leg of the multi-leg centipede dip.


They still ended up marginally profitable trades but hot damn so much value lost because I was swept up in fish shit thinking that, ok, I traded alts for btc and btc for usd to the point that if it all literally goes to zero I’ll still be in profit, lol.

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