The Crypto Thread

fuck i still want to scream every time I look at those wicks

Since iā€™m more of longterm holder, i really should probably try to figure out how DeFi works and start earning interest on my BTC or ETH. Do you know where I should start if I want to fuck around with that @6ix ?

Are you thinking of lending like Blockfi or providing for a liquidity pool?

i dont know, i just wanna earn interest on my crypto holdings if Iā€™m gonna be holding them anyway. preferably not on something thatā€™s gonna be rug pulled or something. I saw coinbase lets you stake ETH on there so maybe thatā€™s an option, idk. But thatā€™s only for ETH, dunno what options are there are for Bitcoin. Gemini Earn says 2% but feels like maybe there should be higher than that? I donā€™t want any risk of liquidation or anything like that

You probably guessed this but the interest rates are going to correlate to risk of liquidation, and every defi exchange has different protocols. This is a pretty good technical breakdown:

You probably want to go with something safe like the Gemini or Coinbase (although Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a waitlist for coinbase still) low % because 1% is still way better than nothing.

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so thatā€™s why crypto has been tanking

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lolol I donā€™t mean now vs these GTO dream machine assassins, I mean back when people played

donā€™t destroy my mental image

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As 6ix mentioned, Blockfi is an option for earning interest on your BTC (and ETH as well). Itā€™s wasy to set up and use, but itā€™s not DeFi.

This is a finance thread about cryptocurrency discussion. Your ā€œadviceā€ was baseless assertions about what money and crypto are, in a crypto thread. I am now discussing it.

Itā€™s probably a sign of how flustered I was that I even mentioned that; Iā€™ve only alluded to it maybe once or twice in all the time Iā€™ve posted.

Iā€™m not a fucking maniac so I get it, and even mentioning in passing that I think things are unethical almost amounts to Guy In Well,

but the arguments are the standard ones, that Iā€™m sure you could go to any leftist reddit right now and see anarchists and commies arguing with each other about: This whole system is propped up by a vast amount of people who toil every day and will never have even a 401k or Roth or any notable investment, and every dollar you/me/whoever makes from The Economy improving comes from exploiting them and the surplus value they create. I understand the counterarguments and I even find them compelling, especially in theory, like, somebody investing in the economy is way more of a hypothetical Job Creator than those who currently assign that label to themselves (I donā€™t know if the Fox news crowd still fancies that particular name but the concept remains the same), I just donā€™t find them compelling enough.

The problem for me is that even if Iā€™m objectively correct, it doesnā€™t change the fact that we all have to participate in society, and Iā€™m not going to tell a HS teacher with a NUMBER(letter) pension plan that theyā€™re a grotesque and shameful parasite. And I certainly donā€™t want anybody here to think Iā€™m silently judging them because I truly am not. Itā€™s just a personal thing to me, something Iā€™ve never done and will never do.

This is where I might be a mess of contradictions due to potentially building up a big lie Iā€™ve told myself, but itā€™s not that I think itā€™s more ethical, itā€™s that I think itā€™s so many degrees removed that it becomes a separate class, comparable to defining whether poker is or isnā€™t unethical. And yeah, Iā€™m not sure how to factor that one. I feel like one has to go out of their way to play poker or trade crypto, and at that point itā€™s just two gamblers gambling on something. I donā€™t want to buy an APPL or AMZN share because that share rising in value means something I believe is evil and shouldnā€™t exist is doing the opposite, but me taking some greedy idiotā€™s money is a separate paradigm.

Lol see above, I mean, yeah, as opposed to what?

The electricity argument is just so, so bad, to the point that a lot of sharp people should be ashamed for making it, even if theyā€™re correct at the root.

Itā€™s not:

I think bitcoin is dumb because it is a waste of electricity.

It is:

I think bitcoin is dumb therefore it is a waste of electricity.

Of course if you think something is dumb and valueless you will then think itā€™s a waste of electricity, thatā€™s how the whole thing works. People waste/ā€œwasteā€ obscene amounts of electricity putting up Christmas lights and weā€™re left trying to quantify the value of a childā€™s smile. Come on now.

I donā€™t think smartphones should exist. What were idiots doing before them instead of playing flappy and angry birds? They werenā€™t reading books. Staring into space and drooling? Letā€™s go back to that and save untold amounts of resources. But Iā€™d feel real silly if I tried to finesse a question begging with ā€œomg look at all the electricity and resources wasted making and using smartphones!ā€

Itā€™s exactly that. Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t said this considering all the posts Iā€™ve made in this thread, but the analogy for bitcoin isnā€™t digital gold or any other mineable commodity, itā€™s digital land, in the sense thatā€™s there a fixed supply and vast fortunes were made by simply being the first to stand on some; weā€™re in the process of deciding how valuable that land is.

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Yeah, I did ask a question about non-crypto investing which was, in hindsight, uh, way too vague.

Yes itā€™s very deep to go into a thread titled Cryptocurrency Discussion to share that you invest in buying fruits and ā€œskillsā€. And then assert something stupid and vague to the point of meaninglessness about Cryptocurrency. I donā€™t get it because I canā€™t go as many levels deep as you.

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sounds like sarcasm

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Enter the age you plan to retire.
How much have you saved for retirement?

How much will you contribute monthly?
What do you think your annual return will be?
This is the return your investment will generate over time. Historically, the 30-year return of the S&P 500 has been roughly 12%.1

Your Results
In 30 years, your investment could be worth:


$ 0


Itā€™s important to understand that this does not include inflation or taxes and your final outcome will vary dramatically on how the market performs in the final few years of your investment when your position is largest.


Enter your current age.
Enter the age you plan to retire.
How much have you saved for retirement?

How much will you contribute monthly?
What do you think your annual return will be?

Your Results
In 30 years, your SafeMoon investment could be worth:



I know some prefer empty blather like ā€œbitcoin is dustā€ and ā€œwhatā€™s, like, the value of btc?!ā€ but if you want perspective/analysis on the last week:

I just got done watching The Big Short again a few minutes ago. And I think I was gonna queue up Margin Call.

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and weā€™re back to shit again I see

the bitconnect people get charged and crypto immediately falls 10% huh

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