The Crypto Thread


Itā€™s a bit ridiculous. Price was 11k just last October and who wouldnā€™t have snap called the price being 30k less than a year later, but COVID really threw expectations out of wack.

A thought. Multiple reports say governments will adopt fiat digital currency. This would significantly limit the potential for the bit coins. However, Iā€™ve read that Monero is special ā€“ truly anonymous, untraceable transactions. This would preserve a place for Monero after fiat currency becomes common. The illegal markets will be a preserve for Monero. Hence, it might thrive as the rest are displaced by eDollars.

youā€™re welcome

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Following this thread made me interested in the psychology of crypto investors.

Iā€™m also a non-action junkie who primarily plays PLO with a nitty style that is completely at odds with the perception of the game as super gambly.

This the one cryptocurrency that actually will/should get banned.

This guy is a straight up fucking moron.

ā€œThe true battle is between fiat & crypto. On balance, I support the latter,ā€ Musk wrote Saturday morning.

The general notion is the assumption that information technologies, communication services, real estate, healthcare, materials and other shit will continue to expand as it has the last 150 years.

The dow jones was about 2,700 30 years ago. If that trend continues, minus inflation, youā€™re at 425,000 for the dow at 2051 - so somewhere around 250K. Thatā€™s basically the selling point.

Protecting my hard-earned money from getting devalued away by inflation.

Lol, investing in things that produce cash flow.

Like Tesla

Yep definitely a bear market with the nocoiners crawling out. For the record if youā€™ve known about this stuff for 10 years, own nothing, and continue to spread nonsense (btc is good for illegal stuffzzz!!) youā€™re never going to buy any. Itā€™s never going to be ā€œbad enoughā€ for you to buy because you havenā€™t done enough research to understand why you should.

Youā€™re like someone ā€œwaiting to seeā€ how the vaccines play out. Thereā€™s never going to be an indicator thatā€™s sufficient for you. You donā€™t even know what that would look like.

Which isā€¦?

turn your one dollar into two dollars


Thatā€™s why I asked the question about traditional investing earlier. Nobody here is a diehard cryptobro (BTC replace USD etc) so what are we really talking about here?

p.s. I mean, blockchain is amazing and elegant from a mathematical perspective, none other than the esteemed 3b1b made a video about it years back,

but thatā€™s separate.

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Store of value?

I am pretty much a buy and HODLer when it comes to crypto but there hasnā€™t ever been a crypto cycle where we saw a sharp 40-50% drop and then an immediate recovery have we? Itā€™s normally the big drop and then an additional slow bleed out until the next bull cycle right? The last two I remember was of course 2017 where it hit 20kish, dipped to 12k within days and then bled out to 3xxx over the course of a year or two. Previously in late 2014 we saw it hit break 1k, a sharp drop to $400 and then bled out to below $100 over the course of a year and a half.

I guess Iā€™m wondering if/why this time has any reason to be different? I own a reasonable amount of crypto and am wondering if I should avoid the bleed out phase this time.

Same as it ever was.

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