The Crypto Thread

The problem with being super bullish on crypto is that even if you are right none of these coins may make it in the end so you “I’ll check back in 30 years” planners make me laugh.

The company that made the first desktop I ever used whatever it was is certainly out of business, social media exploded but who the hell still uses myspace, first search engine I used regularly was ask jeeves, I used netscape navigator to browse, internet chat has exploded except nobody uses AIM chat or ICQ or whatever the hell else we used to, even Microsoft would be on the decline to death except they got saved by cloud stuff. (since only video gamers are the reason desktops are still alive and even laptops are increasingly unnecessary for most people from smartphones) and a shitton of those dot com companies in 2000 were massive busts. I’m not sure without looking it up if even yahoo would’ve worked out in the end and that is still alive.


fwiw I think a bottom in these cycles doesn’t hit until people stop saying “buy the dip”

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Crypto is far worse than BTC because you’re investing into a specific religion or all of them with the unfortunate axiom that they cannot be true - or successful.

Nobody planned on averaging Cardano down to .03cents despite how delighted they’d be if they new now that they’d have another shot at it. It’s more of a “how did I get duped” into this scam when the bottom is showing its face than thinking it’s a buying opportunity.

I’ve been thinking about the psychology of cryptocurrency. To what degree is crypto just a gambling product?

How many people got into crypto because of COVID but will move on now that traditional gambling venues such as casinos are more open for business (no masks in Vegas) after experiencing the most recent dip? Is there a boost in cryptocurrency trading volume when there are fewer good sports events to bet on because it’s an easy way to scratch that itch? Is there an increase in activity after the Super Bowl or March Madness because people are trying to roll over their profits into more gambling or trying to make up for losses?

Has anyone looked into any correlations between crypto trading and sports betting volume?

definitely was overheated like collectibles due to COVID everyone at home, now that’s lifted gonna be rough for a bit.

Also am I nuts or is every morning the low point of the day then it goes up to some high point at night and this just happens every day and it’s thousands difference for btc. Instead of hodl’ing just trading it might be the play.



Question for the thread: When you all invest in things other than cryptocurrency, what is it precisely you think you’re doing?

Don’t listen to these bears. Next month they’ll be posting how dumb it is that everything 3x’d.

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Is that just driven by the trading done in countries outside the US?

I’m starting to think about trying to understand crypto. My misgivings about it as a libertarian tax evasion scheme belongs in another thread, but if I can convince myself it is really just a gambling product that won’t destroy society, maybe I can dip my toe in the pool. I still need to get a theoretical understanding of why things happen, though. I don’t feel comfortable with black box correlations.

Nah, they’re right, it is stupid and ridiculous. I’m just interested in knowing what isn’t. We’re all stuck in this capitalist hellscape trying to make a buck, but it’s utterly bizarre for somebody to be derisive when they’re essentially saying, “See, you need to make smart and safe and low-risk investments. Take APPL for example, Foxconn is never going to have a reason to remove those suicide nets so that’s a strong buy!”


Lol there are no true believers, why do you think the price does what it does? People break their necks selling this shit off.

It would be better to look into the correlation between disposable income levels and overall market investing/crypto/meme stock trading. Noobs have money right now, and they are going to have less of it on average this time next year.

How I feel having only play amounts of money in any crypto:



It’s probably similar, like poker/gambling. The online poker boom ended because of the 2008 financial crisis.

It would probably take me a year before I attain enough information to be comfortable doing any crypto/stock investing.

My mentality is that I am a poker player who somehow seems to grind out a solid winrate despite having a default tight-passive style (albeit with the ability to change gears) that the experts say shouldn’t be possible. I don’t click buttons because I’m bored and I have zero FOMO. I am absolutely not an action junkie and if I were to start investing in stuff, I’d go after solid, steady, boring profits over seeking out quick big scores.

Then why would you ever get into crypto?

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Vanguard index funds exist.


That mutual fund ain’t gonna look so hot underneath the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Hmm so now it’s gonna be Musk reaffirming support for crypto every couple months vs. China reaffirming their crypto ban from 2013. Let’s see who wins!

Sticking my money in some random thing and then hoping I have more money in 10, 20, 30 years?

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