The Crypto Thread

Lol if Elon tanked crypto without getting Tesla out of BTC first and this is what brings the Tesla house of cards down.

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You have to buy a pak NFT and destroy it at

but to destroy it you require ETH on the linked wallet to pay gas fees which is basically the transfers through 3 or more exchanges step

ded again

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Sounds super easy and can only moon from here!

They should have named it SafeAsh.


From my spam folder.


More likely Elon used his own money to buy bitcoin, then used Tesla reserves and some tweets to push the price up, sold his own holdings, tweeted again to drop the price, rinse and repeat.

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Biden’s IRS Plan Would Double Agency Staffing, Target Cryptocurrency - WSJ.

Amount you sell your crypto for (in fiat or exchange, in USD) - Amount you bought your crypto for (same caveat) = capital gains.

Capital gains are only taxed when realized, so if you are a HODLer that doesn’t do a lot of trading, you wont owe much (until you realize the gains by trading or converting to fiat.)

If you are someone who buys a lot of crypto, moves it through a lot of different cryptos and make multiple trades, you better keep good books. Mark every purchase, the cost in USD at the time of purchase, the cost in USD at the time of sale or conversion, etc.

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What exactly are you trying to do?

Had my sell orders almost at the top of those 1-minute wicks :metal:




which market?

SOLBTC, I think those wicks are market buys because of the Coinbase news

damn dog fill us in, I wasn’t even paying attention to that one

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Go here:

Install it, click on wallet icon, copy link like so:

Share link for BIG MANEY FABULOUS PRIZES. That’s the bitcoin wallet I just created when I downloaded and installed on this laptop. Feel free to donate, I lost all my money when bitcoin went to negative fifty thousand dollars yesterday.

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I highly advise against this. If you can figure it out yourself look at that as the barrier to entry.

Ok, so, I’m just gonna put it out there: I’m officially shook. Not the kind of shookness that happens when watching a crash like yesterday, but a sort of calm shookness, if that’s not too much of an oxymoron. I don’t think ‘pessimistic’ or ‘bearishness’ is quite accurate but those work too.

Basically (and I want the record to show that I really tried to avoid explicitly telling anybody to buy anything, although the buys I did mention are still good buys if the entire market doesn’t crash {like, absolutely explode}) there are a bunch of people like me who haven’t put a dollar into this market in the Year Of Our Lord Two Thousand And Twenty One. In the same way I didn’t tell anybody to buy anything I never wanted to explicitly say, sorry dog you’re too late, and you were too late last time, and you’ll probably be too late next time (shoutout to Tabbaker for self-deprecatingly acknowledging this) but the reality is that I’ve thought it was insane for anybody to put a dollar into this, really since this thread started, without knowing how risky it is. Not fundamentally risky (lol fake internet money hahaha) but mathematically; like, the dogecoin people thinking dogecoin will be $100 is mathematically impossible regardless of anything to do with dogecoin, if it’s a worthless meme coin or the greatest invention since SlicedBreadCoin. There’s not enough money in the world. But, if we put them on one end, there’s a whole lot of space in the spectrum between them and the other end. Think of the people who bought Ethereum at 4k, on the way up to 4.6k or whatever the peak was (I don’t know because I missed the peak, I sold a chunk of mine on the way down to 3300), what is their plan from an ROI perspective? It’s a favorite to go to 10k right now, but I bought mine last year around 300, and I saw buying at 4k as counting cards in blackjack; the +EV is thin.

I think I digressed but the point is this: There are a whole lot of people who are waking up today and thinking about saying, ok, fine, I would’ve liked a 50-100x ROI but I’ll settle for a 5-10x, this is too crazy. And that equals a lot of selling pressure. In fact, that’s one way support and resistance forms. Not a wizard doing it, but people collectively saying they’re done, and are gonna sell of “when it hits x”.

This deserves its own paragraph: I can only speak for myself, but every time I’ve said that I bought, say, ETH between 200 and 400 and LINK under 10 and etc, it’s not to lambobrag, it’s to stress that at any point people who bought during a bear market or a lull could “capitulate” or “panic sell” and still walk away with “only” a 10x or whatever. It’s also why I’m not a fan of people coming in with the schadenfreude and pretending like everybody is now underwater after the crash; again it’s not about ego, it’s about making very clear that more crashes could be coming precisely because a whole lotta people could wait until the next crash, sell at the exact bottom, and still walk away with healthy profits this season.

This turned into way more DOOM that I had planned. Essentially what I’m saying is a lot people realized they were thinking like fish because they were up and “playing with the house’s money”. Which is, quintessential fish shit. Even the analogy implies you’re -EV and on a heater. Also which, let’s be real, most of them absolutely are. Just peruse youtube and look them discussing “manipulation” from the “whales” and then also hear their trading strategies that are well-dressed ways of saying buy peaks and sell dips (lol “breakout” lol “downward trend confirmation”). So I’m just saying, proceed with caution. I know a lot of people are thinking hell yeah, discount, and the bottom of the dip absolutely was, but I’m seriously shook.


Laser eyes, diamond hands, can’t lose.

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What I’m trying to say is that I don’t think I’ve ever made it clear but I and plenty of others never had any intention of diamond handing through anything. The only difference is selling the top (any local top) like a boss or the dip (any local dip) like a fish. I don’t feel like I’m as bloodthirsty as others because I really truly wanted to see these markets mature and have shit like the other night not happen, but it did happen. And then I see everybody complaining about market manipulation from big institutional whales and other nonsense, accepting no collective responsibility.