The Crypto Thread

Y’all heard 6ix





Nah maybe just ignore me. I think I’m just tilting. I was hoping to make enough to buy my sister and a bff a house each, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I did actually make the nut worst possible play this cycle early on, that I haven’t yet talked about. I wanted to believe it didn’t put a big money wrench in the big plans, but it probably did.

No, I mean srsly, go to December/early January, throw a dart, pick any coin, they all would’ve been better plays that this one.

This crypto stuff is still so new that massive volatile swongs of are just baked into the game at this stage. We’re probably still decades from enough market maturity that the happenings of a couple days ago become rare events. By that time, 99% of the coins currently in existence will be extinct, and only those with lasting real-world use cases will survive and achieve some level of stability.

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May you buy me a house*

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Yeah probably, it’s just been super disheartening to see all the people talk about Illuminati-style manipulation today when it’s them doing it, panic selling and FOMOing and what not.

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I feel I’m being mocked but hey, cool, hope it makes you happy.

Just as a casual observer, this doesn’t seem as end of the world as the crash from 17k to like 2800 however long ago that was. I thought it was done with then.

wat? I’m mocking myself. Nevermind.

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When I say that I’m tilting a bit because I probably won’t make life-changing money (for the people I mentioned, I don’t need any money for myself lol) this cycle, partially because even though I’m well up on the session and took down all the tiny pots I’ve misplayed some big hands, no houses for those near and dear to me are in the future, and people immediately ask me to buy them a house… Not sure how to interpret that as any other than some pretty cruel mockery.

But it’s all good, I’m not like most people and I do believe in intention, so if that wasn’t the intention my bad.

i would take it as a precise commentary to inject perspective

Which perspective is that, serious question? That I’m lamenting something I shouldn’t be?

just that it’s awesome you made a lot of money out of this lunacy and while a goal of buying multiple houses from trading shitcoins on the internets is awesome, it’s perfectly fine to just make a lot of money instead.

an added bonus is to mock myself for being too stupid to even understand any of it.


I don’t want to say “but it’s not ‘a lot of money’” and totally succumb to losing all fucking perspective, but in terms of ROI it’s thoroughly disappointing. (and considering I tossed around 5-10x figures earlier as lower bounds for people, that’s probably losing perspective anyhow)

It’s just that, I won a nice amount of money from poker playing on the apps during the pandemic, and I look at that as sort of a windfall, even though I never totally stopped playing since black friday, and I’m kinda good. The app phenomenon was just weird, it was like a mini-2003-poker-boom for a while. So, at some point I decided that every poker app dollar, every extra penny from heaven, was going into crypto and then it further started to dawn on me that given the trajectory I could make it so a few people near and dear to me don’t die in debt at the very least.


p.s. Anything less than 7 figures was gonna be a disappointment and I don’t feel selfish saying that, considering I have a rob-from-the-rich-give-to-the-poor mentality in this and poker. Or maybe that’s the lie I tell myself, that these people are rich enough to donk off their money at poker and crypto markets.


Being legit sad you didn’t make “multiple houses” from something you admit doing minimal work on deserves razzing. Count your lucky stars you got the opportunity and did well and wait for the next cycle.

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Well, the analysis all says we’re here,

although the end parabola won’t be as sharp. That’s where people are getting the 100-150k bitcoin number from; they’re not just pulling it out of their ass.

I’m not entirely sure but this last crash was way more heinous than anybody imagined, and I mean going back to 2012ish. All the bros love to trot out “Yeah that’s bitcoin for you bro!” even when they’re describing crashes that have happened only a handful of times but nobody had the stones to pull one of those this time.

I don’t really care and would rather have bitcoin stable, and it seems like an insane strategy to buy some in the 5-digits and hope it goes to 6.

Wait lol, what “admit doing minimal work”?