The Crypto Thread

lol. what amount of leverage trade is that to get a long liquidated at 40k after we’ve only been at 40k for a few minutes. 100x for 10 million?

Fidget bought it in POUNDS STERLING so I don’t know if it even counts.

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100:1 is the only way to roll baby.

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I honestly wish the exchanges never offered margin trading and you might recall how it was somewhat of a scandal when Bittrex started doing it.

Like, you need that shit in stonks because if the price moves 1.5% in a day everybody has an aneurysm but crypto is a different story.


At least now we can keep posting “BTC 40k!!!” memes like when the Donald kept bragging each time the Dow Joans re-crossed 25k.


[morpheus]What if I told you the actual proper coins are the ones that don’t care about what is happening in the crypto space (i.e. somebody sold a bitcoin)?[/morpheus]

I don’t know if that’s true but this whole situation is a big problem, and it wasn’t always like this, with everything coupled together. It really ramped up when Bitcoin forked into BitcoinCash although that might’ve just been a coincidence with volume ramping up at the same time and more API algobots trading.

I’ve posted enough graphs here to show how these dips and bounces happen, and they’re not dead-cat bounces. BTC dips 5% and every alt dips 15% because if you could somehow catch the bottom and top by causing the dip, there’s so much money to be made.

The stonks markets go to great lengths to not let algobots intentionally or accidentally wreak havoc. This is a good watch:

Basically, young kid, super sharp trader trading solo from his bedroom at his parents house lol, moved so much volume and did so much manipulation, like spoofing and quote stuffing and frontrunning, that he caused the 2010 flash crash. Like, his homemade HFT algobot tricked all the bots the big players use and caused total mayhem.




Whew, back to 38k. That was a close call. Feels good to be out of the woods.

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Same black background! What do I win?

6 hours ago bitcoin is going to zero elon tweets and now “thank god we’re out of the woods, nothing bad can possibly happen now”

when it’s still down from 24 hours ago

and also lol at everyone believing whatever elon says

I’m hella bullish on Sarcasmcoin.


hopefully it stabilizes from here

until the next elon tweet

I was hoping when we got a new president I wouldn’t have to worry about rambling tweets from a mad man but nope.


how long does confirmation take in BTC these days–I sent 1 this morning and it’s still unconfirmed and **** me and **** this garbage. How does anyone defend this shit sigh.

One of my BTC cashouts last month took 4 days to clear, and that was with an $80 fee. I’m done using BTC for transactions. Luckily I can receive in Paypal or USDT now.

I have a transfer stuck since 8am yesterday. I used cash app to send and it looks like they set the fee way to low so I’m sure it’s going to be stuck for sometime.

BTC volatility = high fees or long wait. Last high-fee period it took a couple weeks to clear a 10-12 s/b tx.

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Bitcoin is supposed to be digital gold. And you can’t send gold in an email. That’s madness.

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Imagine getting BTC on the first day it was released.

That’s what us pak stans just did.


How difficult is it to get into ASH? Did it take transfers through 3 or more exchanges?