The Crypto Thread

this mf


What if everyone who hates Elon conspired to come up with a way to hurt him the most in the crypto realm?


Here’s the second reason I’m tilted; anybody notice something about these two graphs:

What’s happening guys, ELI5 please :pray:

My brother has bitcoin bought at 10k, is it below that?

I tried this but Gemini is water trash and wasn’t functioning, SAD

Turns out the 11,000% spike in the price of Bitcoin didn’t actually reflect its underlying value.


nah your bro is made in the shade



Fuck, online weed is going to be pricey now :roll_eyes: Or as cheap as a dime. :wink:

Meanwhile in this clusterfuck I noticed I had an optimistic sell order triggered on Kucoin, set pre-crash a couple days ago when I was trying to emulate @6ix in swing trading (microstakes though). Apparently some shitcoins do not care about what is happening in crypto space and just keep on doing their own thing. I managed to increase this particular stack by 50% by selling high, and buying low.

Now, how do I apply that to proper coins?

Ok, so, for the like two people who are curious about shit like this:

The top is Tether coin (usdt) and the bottom is USD coin (usdc). The usdc market has way less liquidity, and in case anybody needed more proof that people with a lot of money aren’t super bright, those long candle wicks are when somebody comes and buys up the sell-side order book.

When I did that coinbase tutorial I didn’t mention this part because it won’t apply there, but if you make a market/taker order, it just buys that amount regardless of price. So in a market with limited liquidity, say, there is one bitcoin at 5 dollars and a second at one zillion dollars on the order book, and somebody says “Two bitcoins please!” then they bought two bitcoins at an average price of 1/2 zillion apiece.

That’s what you see happening in that 2nd picture. At one point when the bitcoin price dipped to 32k then rebounded to 34.5k, somebody made a market order for x bitcoins that cleared out the book up to 42k.

The strategy is to place sell and buy orders above and below, when the markets are especially volatile, and scalp what is essentially a form of arbitrage. If that sounds like a ridiculously easy way to make money if you have enough powder on both ends, well, yeah, people with money get more money, welcome to real life.

Why I was tilted was because I was already tilted and used every satoshi I had on Binance to buy the alt dips, way too early, forgetting to save some for this play. Along with that none of the wicks below got filled, but, to add another wrinkle to this, that’s actually a bullish sign. Nobody was cleaning out the order book trying to sell, only to buy.


crypto is saved, elon said that tesla has diamond hands and bitcoin went up 25%


Elon’s love, hate, and eventual saving of BTC today deserves its own chart.

The reason I shoved too early was because my biggest holding, COTI, seemed awfully resilient to the first crash earlier in the night:

The arrow is bitcoin first crashing to 37.5k.

So when I see this,


and yada yada yada,

I was never promised a rose garden, it’s fine.

You’ll notice that I actually did time it pretty well, and sold some at that first big hump which was like 3.5%, but I was a greedy little piggy and tried to squeeze more.

A wise man once said they are one thing.

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Yeah, it’s absolutely fucking ridiculous, whether you’re buy-and-hodling or micro-trading, catching a dip is where it’s at.

Like, that graph I posted right above? Here’s the rest:

That’s 55% in less than an hour (lol we’d have to catch the absolute bottom but it’s just an illustration lol).

I literally don’t give a shit what bitcoin’s price is, other than I don’t want hodler friends to lose money. Like, ok, it’s stupid fake internet money, fine, I have 55% more of it now.


Sir this is the losing money on crypto thread.