The Crypto Thread

Just sent some money through PayPal to the UK and the seller lost almost 10% to conversion fees and Goods and Services protection. What’s the crypto alternative that would have saved him some money while giving me recourse if he screwed me?

Not playing specifically, but people hold and transfer it around to investors, players, and platforms because it is often the most convenient option.

lol of course poker is balls deep in crypto both communities are scammer magnets

Not sure what people using Bitcoin to facilitate their WSOP buyins has to do with scamming but ok


I don’t understand you man. Are you some kind of upper middle class establishment white male bot?

And at what point do I become a bot if I always reply the same.

Why do you troll this thread and why is it allowed? Aren’t you a mod?


i’ve heard of services that do escrow on the chain for physical trades. they could conceivably be abused by buyers but not to a greater degree than regular ebay deals, i don’t think. like if you took a photo of a brick in a fedex box and said you got scammed, but kept the xbox, idk if people get away with that on ebay. the seller would have the guy’s address, at least.

Just the biggest snowflakes on the planet. If someone tells me my index fund is a dumb investment I don’t have a meltdown. The intensity of these reactions should tell you guys something about your “investment.”

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I have to admit when I think of Riverman one of my first thoughts is “very very stable and unemotional”.


My dude, you are now in here actually calling people snowflakes. The intensity of the reactions is because you keep acting like an asshole.

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Talking about other people having a meltdown here is some serious projection.

How did you calculate these probabilities?



It’s a charity not a ponzi. Everything should be good to go as long as donations aren’t constrained.

There were people who actually took Tooth’s BFI investment advice seriously.


I kick myself for not taking advantage of his advice. I had no opinion about Tesla stock, but I knew he was completely certain Tesla was going to 0 in just a few months. Absurdly overpriced he said. and I thought well maybe he is right, I don’t know. (Tesla is something like 20x since then).

but I did know that every opinion of his that I could judge, he was maximally wrong. Being the most wrong on every topic is his special talent. Why didn’t I take advantage of this magical oracle?


I used to lurk just for this.

A very wise man once said:

“A system that spits out losers is just as good as one that spits out winners.”


i think we have some members itt

Yet for some reason nobody is in the stonks thread cheering down your index fund. Weird!

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That reason is that owning an index fund doesn’t usually take over people’s entire personality, and isn’t associated with long annoying rants about how index funds are the future from people with libertarian politics. Nobody who doesn’t own crypto is rooting for the crypto true believers to do well in 2022. Part of that is envy sure, but how do you feel when a fish on a heater’s heater finally comes to an end?

I don’t even get to say the heater is over yet, but am I rooting for it? Absolutely. That would make me right about everything who doesn’t like that?

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