The Crypto Thread

Well hopefully it doesn’t lead to Americans missing as much as one haircut appointment, cause we just don’t have the stomach for that

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why would a phone number be less secure than email? I always MFA via sms because email is too easily compromised. to compromise my sms you have to like, spoof my sim somehow right? like figure out my cell provider, pretend to be me, get a sim and then do the mfa. lot more work than compromising an email.

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It’s much easier to get my cell than my Gmail. The person at the Verizon store is eager to help. Google never helps anybody. Google authenticator or hardware keys are good if you are a target.


A discussion of hardware keys.

I remember reading Google sent free hardware keys to people who were likely to be targeted by governments. Also explained to them that the man was coming for them. Journalists, activists, and similar.

What I love best about Wilt Chamberlin is how everyone just belived everything he said. Personally, I think the guy was just full of shit. Is there any evidence at all he scored 100 points in one game? The only thing I can find is that hilarious picture of him holding up a peice of paper with “100” written on it on crayon. And 20,000 women? Where’s the tape imo.


There’s the walk into the store and say you lost your phone method, call up and say you lost your phone method, and apparently some paper form that 3rd party text forwarders can fill out and fax to take over just the text part of your cell #.

Apparently the security plan on that last one was that no hacker would go to the trouble of filling out a paper form and faxing it in. That one came a few years ago so I’m hoping that loophole has been closed.

My buddy got hit on the first method - in lol Florida of course, land of endless scams. I wouldn’t be shocked if people are paying off T-mobile in-store employees to do the switch w/o questions. First they drained his coinbase account, then they drained his bank account into his coinbase account and drained it again. I checked with him and yes that happened. Apparently coinbase at some point turned off the “wait X days to use deposited funds feature”, at least for some customers.

Wrong thread but still strong post!

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Lol, I don’t know how I did that, but I think I like it better here anyway.


Friendly reminder that Bitcoin is already widely used as a currency - separate from its use as a speculative asset - in multiple industries.

Poker being the example we’re all most familiar with.

Sure. But if there was zero speculative interest in bitcoin and its price was being supported just through its actual use as a medium of exchange the price would be much lower.

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the autograph should be “Donald J. Trump”

Is it used as a currency or a commodity though? Everywhere I’ve seen bitcoin used things are priced in USD (or whatever) and bitcoin is just a stepping stone to that. Are you sitting at a table with/buying tchips with bitcoin or USD. Tesla, for example, accepted bitcoin but the cars were still priced in dollars.

FInally something verifiable