The Crypto Thread

If Jal or whoever was constantly in the stonks thread whenever there was a downturn going haha you bougie fucks you got what you deserve for backing the system of exploitation and slavery with your own money. Hope your blood fueled portfolio goes to zero where it belongs. Which lets face it is basically all true. I wonder what the general reaction would be? I want crypto to go to zero so I can pick up a cheap graphics card but I’m not one for rubbing it in particularly.


I get your point but imagine for a second poker boom 2.0 happened (and ya it’s probably over at least for now). Except it was 10x as fun and 10x as profitable as the original. You wouldn’t have participated if you were aware it was happening?

I really don’t care what you think about me. Going back for a second dip of the moron money pool. But the libertarian boogeyman of crypto is largely an ancient trope at this point. Not that it doesn’t exist. It does. But it’s a tiny minority of people involved in it at this point.

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For what it’s worth you’re one of the few crypto people I’m aware of whose initial bankruptcy hearing (is that the procedure on bankruptcy? I have no idea) I wouldn’t show up to with popcorn.

I’m already in something that reminds me of poker but is more fun and more profitable thankfully. No swongs thank goodness.


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I mean true for a lot of people but I don’t think any of the populace of this thread have their personalities entirely dictated by crypto? Some people think it’s cool, some think it’s profitable, some like the memes and basically all think it’s extremely volatile and not something that is the significant tenet of their existence like traditional capitalism is for a lot of people on this board

jesus christ

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I’m BoredSociopath remember? I’ll freely admit to enjoying Schadenfreude more than most.


How is a stable job as a trucking operator (iirc) the same as poker in any way?

in trucking, lizards are the rake


Given the broad origins of this board (broadly as a bunch of self-described anticapitalists who used to play poker), the appeal of Crypto trading seems far more expected then one for equities. Frankly, the enthusiasm folks have here for their precious IRAs seems dissonant and unseemly. Would love to see someone smarter then me take you guys to task for saving all that money.

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We are all 15 years older and lame now.

Place to be if you still want to get your shipithollaballa on is r/ wallstreetbets or some place even “cooler” that I don’t even know about.

Dumb investment riverman.

Why don’t you buy multi family buildings like your clients do? You once said on this forum you saw tax returns of real estate developers and it was bigly.

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I’m not rich enough.


I don’t discriminate; I’m rooting for crypto and stonks to go to zero.


I’m in the business of trucking. I’m one of the guys trading trucks basically. But yeah I’m literally talking about my day job. It reminds me of poker a whole lot wheeling and dealing with trucks and shippers all day.

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some people, pros even, won’t do trucking. they can’t handle the swings.


No but seriously. Very cyclical business. I don’t have swings because I’m in a specialized piece of it that is kind of a backwater. The guys trying to make a living utilizing large corporate contract freight are seeing bigger swings than PLO.

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we have a couple of truck/car traders on the discord. Emmpee has a '55 Chevy Gasser or something like that. Pretty cool.


Move down to 1 truck/2 truck


Josh was one of the premier collectors of hot rods

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