The Crypto Thread


Iā€™m no financial expert but when I think of ā€œfinancial instrumentā€ I think of stocks and bonds. Arrangements that make the trading of things like companies or debt easier. A debt or a company are something that I can understand why someone would want to own and make easier to own and trade. In this admittedly toddler-brained definition of financial instrument, how does bitcoin fit in? What is the intrinsic thing that is being made easier to trade? As a totally outside observer, all I can see is it makes speculative frenzy easier to trade.

sorry, anon polls are dumb

Highest price BTC reaches in 30 years
  • <50K
  • 50-100K
  • 100-200K
  • 200-500K
  • 500k>

0 voters


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Doesnā€™t regular currency already do that?

Pole needs an ā€œI have nfiā€ option, and also maybe an ā€œlol Iā€™ll be dead by thenā€ one.

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I donā€™t know what the answer is but pretty confident >500k is a far more rational answer than <50k

Not online without going through some service like PayPal or venmo


Thereā€™s no universe where the believers and the non believers in crypto are going to be able to come to any form of agreement. Weā€™re just way too far apart. Weā€™re just going to have to collectively wait for the dust to settle.

rut roh, I agree with Keed

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I think these people donā€™t think all crypto goes to 0, but betting on it being bitcoin and it being around and similar in 30 years seems unlikely.
30 years ago we were in the middle of grunge fever, basically nothing is the same technology wise.

Whatā€™s going to drive the prices that high? At $60k we had third world countries and institutional investors driving up the price, and that was at very cheap lending rates. Where does the money come from to push it up to $500k?

You canā€™t even agree what would constitute the dust having settled.

Speaking of, has anybody checked on El Salvador lately?

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Yup itā€™s pretty binary. Damn near total conquest of the monetary system or it goes busto. Itā€™s going to do one or the other eventually. This twilight space where it exists as an asset class that does no actual work but consumes vast amounts of energy isnā€™t a possibility.

Personally Iā€™m not even bullish on the underlying technology anymore. If crypto was going to solve a real world problem it would have done so by now IMO.

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Iā€™m not a gold bug, but hasnā€™t it held its value pretty consistently during times of economic uncertainty?

Nobody honestly knows the answer.

Bitcoin maxis will give you a million answers.
Bitcoin haters will give you a million different answers.

What bitcoin ā€œisā€ has changed in the last 12 months.

Like another poster said, we gotta wait until the dust settles to see.

More institutional investors, more retail investors, more third world (or second world orā€¦ etc) nations. How is your argument different from the one made in 2018?

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