The Crypto Thread



Today on one of the TVs in the subway, there was an ad with a picture of virtual real estate that said “This is an NFT. Scan here to buy.”

No way am I scanning a crypto QR code in the subway. I’m pretty sure that’s how you get your ape stolen.

Yeah but you get into the ultra-exclusive stolen ape club.

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Do you want to hang out with Seth Green or not?

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Are you offering this to anyone or was it just RM? odds/stakes? You can pm me if you want.

Crypto goes up: We tried telling you that $1m BTC is inevitable but you wouldn’t listen.

Crypto goes down: This is actually bullish long term for crypto.

I’m winning any motherfucking way. I can’t lose. Yeah, you can shoot me, but you can’t kill me


Definitely true of a lot of talking heads but this is also just modern discourse in so many fields. Politics, tradfi, sports etc. Nothing ever fails, nobody’s ever really wrong.

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To say “my thesis was wrong” is too painful because it requires changing your paradigm and prior beliefs.

Just like mearsheimer can’t say he is wrong.

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what thesis is wrong now?

Well that was the only sign … you get all other signs.

puddy elaine yeah that's right

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Mmmm taser that’s hot.

Some thesis:

  1. bitcoin will be used as a widespread currency - it became a widespread store of value when people became hodlers.

  2. bitcoin is a hedge against inflation - that turns out to be untrue when it goes -65% in an 8% inflation environment within 7 months.

  3. bitcoin is a great store of value - that ends up being untrue since it is underperforming other stores of value in an asset correction downturn.

  4. bitcoin’s fixed 21M supply means price always goes up - this is untrue since we see people liquidate cryptos at the first sign of trouble.

People held on to these thesis in order to rationalize a $100k or 500k bitcoin. When those ideas are no longer true, what next?

People will end up liquidating the “asset” they hold that helps them the least during a downturn.

If normal middle class person owns a house, a car, some stocks in his 401k, some crypto. What is he selling in a downturn for money?

He is liquidating crypto first, stocks or car 2nd, and house last.

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I think you do car last otherwise you can’t get into work anymore and things unspool even more quickly

How can I escape the grim realities of a downturn if I don’t have some crypto to buy drugs?

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You sell house last because the sex with wife or GF will dry up very fast if you move her from a house into a rental.

You must be American where public transit is designed to keep those who use it from ever moving up in the business world.

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