The Crypto Thread

Did I tell you about when i first joined the discord late June and was DMOR I told them that in the interim they could have interest-free no-time-frame loans for as much ethereum as they wanted, to buy all the ape jpegs they needed, and they declined because ‘BR management’ and other asinine excuses when really it was because they had 0 conviction and expected to lose?

Lol I’m trying to imagine somebody making me that offer for crypto in 2020 lol. Or making it now!

Yeah $2K dinners are ridiculous and those people should feel bad.

Yeah, pretty much. The guy I know who’s in the group that’s done really well said it’s the most likely to 20x out of anything out there, so I took a small position in it.

I would take the over on that. We know of one. Pretty good chance there’s someone else who’s real life name we don’t know who’s binked $100K+ in a tourney one time.

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Guys the people saying jpegs are free money are making fun of you. It’s work like anything else.


i’m not blaming anyone, not sure what the take here is. i don’t frequent the discord as often and the only reason i found it was because i happened to visit the day before and there was some event headline josh put up i think. i didn’t see the global tag cause i never see those.

I’d give Yuv some leeway here as discord is terrible for @'s. As far as I’m aware there is not way to find @'s if they are not individual. So if you only check Discord every day or less, it’s a huge pain to find the @'s. At least our discord mostly reserves @'s for important things.

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Because some people think the entire crypto space is a bunch of useless bullshit that has no purpose, and the money is “easy” perceptually.

Poker is also a pretty useless bullshit game that serves no purpose either. I know since I used to play semi professionally I hated it for that reason. There are better entertainment sources for degens that lose 4-5-6-7 figures being addicted and shipping money off to poker pros.

Same thing with 80% of the hedge funds out there that serve no purpose other than to scalp the market.

At the end of the day. Haters gonna hate. It is a guilty pleasure of mine to see haters in this thread.

Huh? I started the post by saying the discord is beneficial for discord members. The rest of my post are literal facts that at worst can be described as uninteresting.

The main reason is that the people that win at poker accept that it’s due to skill, but then refuse to accept that doing well at NFTs could also be due to skill and instead want to chalk it all up to random luck. If they admit it’s skill (and that it requires a similar skill set to winning at poker), they have to admit they’re passing up EV+ plays.

I’d say it’s similar to how some poker players still dismiss bomb pot games, double boards, etc. as all luck and refuse to play them, even though they can be hugely EV+ due to weaker players/other people not fully understanding how to adjust.


Ive said it’s obviously skill but too much of a time commitment itt.

Do crypto guys still think Bitcoin will be used for everyday commercial transactions like buying groceries or a cup of coffee? Back in the day I used to hear talk of how in the near future I’d be seeing Bitcoin payment options at my Kroger, now it seems like the community has more or less abandoned that in favor of using crypto for digital collectables or decentralized record-keeping.

Edit: this wasn’t really a response to von Internet, I just goof up pressing buttons sometimes.

You can already do this with certain debit cards linked to your crypto accounts - Coinbase for instance has one. These just automatically sell enough crypto at MP to cover the transaction.

Whether places will ever accept straight crypto - e.g. I can sent eth from my wallet - I’m not sure. Probably not for small merchants - but I’d bet if crypto doesn’t crash - you’ll see more high end places accepting crypto.

I’m skeptical that this will happen to a wide extent, largely because it’s been about a decade and it hasn’t happened and also I don’t see a compelling reason for everyday slobs like me to pay via crypto rather than my Visa.

At a minimum, I think the price need to stabilize and non-shady exchanges/stablecoins need to be in place before we see anything like mass adoption.

I pay for my groceries and everything else using the Coinbase debit card. I get 4% cashback in shitcoins, even, which is pretty great because I can’t get any of the nice rewards credit cards as a non citizen.

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The problem is, if you think that crypto is a hedge against the dollar, then you wouldn’t want to spend it even if it was easy. As long as I have the choice between spending cash vs crypto I will spend my cash. Otherwise you’re trading a deflationary asset for an inflationary asset.

It’s still revolutionary in being able to send payments cross borders at light speed times, but for everyday purchases I don’t see why anyone would want to spend it other than as a gimmick.

Not to mention tax implications! Need legislation to make it more friendly to spend it.


Probably lol.

If it’s through Coinbase they probably just spit out a report for you.

Sure, I can see the value in your situation, but most consumers are going to have conventional credit/debit cards.

Sure, I was just responding to your question about when we can use crypto for everyday purchases. You can do that now.